Casey Atwood
99 vip xplosive 28
00 mvp nascar stars 10
00 mvp silver scripts 40 & 79
00 optima platinum 28
00 trackside generation now 3
panorama 21
diecut 39
00 ud victory circle income statement 10
01 high gear 1st gear 44
01 trackside diecut 31
01 pp premium reflector- 45
02 Stealth lap leader- 2
02 Optima gold- G1
02 Optima fan favorite- FF1
03 PP snapshotsss2
03 PP platinum- P2
(back to top)
Jeff Burton
94 Optima XL red hot- 3,55
95 5-Sport base-172
95 Optima XL Red Hot- 3,55
96 Autographed front runners- car & Jack, Jeff & ted, jeff & mark,
jeff & jack, jeff & ward, jeff & mark w/o hat
96 pp scorchers #5
96 Upper Deck 500 cards-71,72
97 Jurrasic Park Thunder Lizard- TL6
97 Ultra Winn Dixie- WD10
99 pp premium burning desire 4b
99 pp vip lap leader #9
99 vip explosive #x4
99 vip explosive #x40
00 maxx drive time #dt4
00 maxx focus on a champion #fc4
00 ud mvp cup quest #cq6
00 mvp silver script #64
00 mvp nascar stars #ns4
00 pp techno retro #tr3
00 high gear man #m7a
00 ud racing record pace #rp1
00 ud high groove #hg1
00 ud vc victory circle #v4
00 pp vip making the show #ms6
00 vip explosive #x21
00 vip explosive #30
00 vip explosive #x6
00 vip lap leader #ll
00 pp optima parrallel #40
00 ud sp drivers seat #5
2000 Pocona Raceways nascar cash ticket scratched
01 high gear 1st gear #60 & 67
01 HG gearshifters #4
01 HG sunday sensations #9
01 HG top tier #3
01 optima cool persistence #1
01 press pass vintage #3
01 PP velocity #7
01 pp premium reflector -2
01 pp premium in the zone #1
01 pp premium diecut-57
01 stealth gold #43
01 stealth lap leader #18
01 vip xplosive #34
01 vip makin the show #24
02 press pass velocity vl1
02 press pass platinum- p67
02 press pass vintage- 3
02 high gear high groove- 2
02 high gear 1st gear- 2
02 eclipse racing champions-12 & 32
02 Press Pass Cup chase redemption- cc1
02 PP Premium Premium Choice-70
02 PP Premium Reflector- R3
02 Trackside liscense to drive diecut-4
02 Trackside liscense to drive- 4
02 Trackside dialed in- 1
02 VIP Xplosive- X35
02 VIP makin the show- MS23
02 Stealth lap leader- 3
02 Optima gold- G3
02 Optima fan favorite- FF2
02 Optima cool persistence- CP1
03 PP snapshots- SS3
(back to top)
Ward Burton
95 Finish line coca cola 600- 26, 43
96 maxx blue ribbon 9
96 Pinnacle foil magazine rack set- 22,49
96 Upper deck UD 500 coll choice- UD44, UD45
97 Action packed 1st impressions- 14
97 Pinnacle trophy collection- 22
99 vip xplosive 5
00 maxx drive time 3
00 mvp cup quest 4
00 pp premium foil 12
00 trackside panorama 11
00 stealth fusion 31,32,33
profile 2
00 optima overdrive diecut 11
00 vip xplosive 22
makin the show 23
01 high gear gearshifter 9
1st gears 9,46
01 optima gold 3,25
g force 2
lap leader d/c 27
01 pp premium diecut- 58
01 pp premium reflector- 4
01 press pass vintage 10
01 stealth gold- 25
01 vip makin the show 11
02 Press Pass platinum- 5
pp vintage- 4
press pass showcar- 1B
02 High Gear high groove- 3
02 eclipse solar eclipse-S13
02 eclipse racing champions-25
02 PP Premium Challenger- 57
02 PP Cup Chase Redemption - cc2
02 Trackside Liscense to drive diecut & regular- 5
VIP Xplosive- X10, 42, 43
VIP diecut headgear- HG5
VIP makin the show- MS12
02 Stealth lap leader- 4
02 Stealth parrallel foils- 26 & 27
02 Optima gold- G4
Optima fan favorite- FF3
03 Press Pass snapshots- ss4
Platinums- 6,97
(back to top)
Bill Elliott
89 Maxx- 50,155,163
92 Maxx the winston- 5, 25
95 wheels crown jewels ruby edition #15
95 wheels crown jewels ruby edition #65
96 Action packed McDonald's-1,11,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28
96 Pinnacle magazine rack set-27
96 maxx blue ribbon #br3
96 Upper deck 500 cards- 25,26
96 Upper deck predictor redemption- PR7
97 Action packed 1st impressions- 11,32,58,64
97 Pinnacle trophy collection-63
98 maxx maxximum preview #19
00 Upper deck income statement- IS3
00 maxximum cruise control #cc4 (2)
02 Coca cola poker playing cards #9 all 4 suits
(back to top)
Jeff Gordon
94 hi tech holofoil-BY1
94 high gear day 1- 78
94 maxx rookie of the year- 16
95 optima xl red hot- 56
95 Action packed McDonalds- 3
95 speedstreet 600 festival- 4
96 Pinnacle foil magazine set- 24,51,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,85,92,95
96 ud diary of a champion- 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10
96 ud game face- gf1
97 Pinnacle trophy collection- 24
97 racers choice chevy maddness- 7
97 race sharks hammerhead promo-p1
97 predator grizzly- 1
97 pinnacle pepsi set- 1,2
97 Ultra Winn Dixie-WD4
98 collectors choice decals- JG & car
98 high gear man- 1a
98 high gear 1st gear-1
98 high gear pure gold-3
98 high gear high groove-5
98 maxx card of the year- 5 & 10
98 maxximum 1st class-F1
98 maxximum preview-P24
98 upper deck 50th anniversery-AN43
98 press pass retro 101
98 maxx champions past- CP1
98 VIP xplosives- 8, 40
99 high gear 1st gear- 49
99 press pass retro-101
99 press pass pit stop-12
99 ud vc day in the life-1,3,5
99 ud speedzone-SZ3
99 vip xplosive 42
99 wheels circuit breaker-5
99 wheels runn & gunnin 9, 29
99 upper deck track masters- TM1
99 UD Victory circle income statement- IS1
00 maxx drive time 2
00 mvp silver script 65
nascar stars 2
mvp cup quest-9
00 press pass retro-8
00 pp premium foil- 47
00 ud racing record pace 5
speeding ticket 1
00 optima g force 7
00 vip xplosive 26,29,32,34,49
lap leader 1
makin the show -7
01 optima gold -42
on the edge- 2
g force -5
01 pp vintage- 8
01 pp premium gold reflector- 6,36
01 trackside diecut -2,48
runnin & gunnin -6
01 vip xplosives-12,33,50
makin the show -12
vip headgear- 1
2002 High gear 1st gears- 7,47,61,62,65
high gear high groove- 7
high gear hot streaks- 3
02 press pass vintage- 7
02 eclipse solar eclipse-31,32,35,36
02 eclipse racing champions-3,22
02 PP Cup Chase Redemption Champion card- CC18
02 PP Premium Reflectors-R8, R46
02 PP Premium Champion- 51
Trackside liscense to drive d/c & regular- 9
VIP headgear- HG1
VIP mile master- MM1
VIP makin the show- MS13
VIP xplosives- X11, 28,49,50
02 Stealth lap leader- 7
Stealth foils- P30
02 Optima gold- G8
Optima up close- UC2
03 Press pass snapshots- ss7
(back to top)
Kevin Harvick
00 Optima gold-32
01 optima gold- 31
01 optima g force 7
01 optima up close- 3
01 press pass premium reflectors- 43, 49
01 stealth lap leader- 30
01 stealth golds- 50, 68
01 stealth profile 2
01 trackside d/c 5,53
01 vip makin the show 15
01 vip xplosives- 10,22
01 vip headgear- 3
01 CHP supershots- SP5
02 high gear 1st gears- 29,48,66
02 high gear high groove- 9
02 high gear hot streaks- 4
02 high gear man-mm3a
02 press pass vintage- 9
02 press pass velocity 4
02 press pass parrallel- p85
02 PP Premium Challenger- 61
02 Eclipse warp speed-WS6
02 Eclipse supernova-SN3
02 Eclipse Racing champions- RC4, RC18
02 Eclipse Solar-S9
Press Pass Cup Chase Redemption- cc5
Trackside liscense to drive regular-13
Trackside runnin & gunnin- 3
02 Stealth lap leader- 11
Stealth foils- P31, P32, P33, P53
02 Optima gold- G12 & 48
Optima fan favorite- FF9
(back to top)
Dale Jarrett
94 Optima xl red hot- 9
95 5-Sport base-175
95 Finish line coca cola 600- 13,36
95 speedstreet 600 festival- 3
95 Optima xl red hot- 9
96 Autographed front runners- DJ w/hat & Ernie, DJ & Yates, DJ & Ned
DJ w/o hat & Ernie, DJ & Ernie's cars
96 Knightquest Red Knight Preview #ed 1,996-15,32,39
96 Pinnacle foil magazine set- 13
96 Speedstreet 600 festival foils- 3,23
96 Upper deck 500 cards-75
97 Action packed 1st impressions-13,34,54,63,72,78
97 Pinnacle trophy collection-64
98 PP actionvision #11
98 Maxx maximum preview #11
99 PP prem #30
99 PP Premium burning desire 5b
99 PP Stealth octane reg #35
99 pp stealth fusion #f52
99 pp stealth headlines #sh8 (3)
99 PP VIP out of the box #ob8
99 upper deck speed zone- 8
99 ud income statement- IS8
99 vip rear view mirror d/c #rm2
99 vip explosive #x12 (2)
99 vip explosive #x43
99 Wheels runnin & gunnin #rg5
00 Maxximum dialed in #di1
00 Maxx focus on a champion #fc1
00 maxx drive time #dt5
00 UD MVP nascar stars #ns5 (3)
00 pp techno retro #tr11
00 PP Premium diecut #46 (2)
00 pp premium reflector #25
00 PP Trackside runn& gunnin #rg 8 (2)
00 UD Racing record pace #rp7 (2)
00 UD VC victory circle #6
00 PP VIP under the lights #ul2
00 vip xplosive 8
00 vip makin the show-5
01 CHP supershots card- SP6
01 high gear 1st gear #31
01 HG sunday sensations #1
01 optima gold 44
optima g force 8
01 press pass velocity- 3
01 pp premium gold reflector- 8,44
01 stealth gold 41,42,69
stealth fusion 3
stealth lap leader 17,35
01 trackside diecut 21 & 49
dialed in 11
01 vip makin the show 23
02 press pass parrallel-p15,p87
02 PP Cup chase redeemed card- cc6
02 pp vintage- 10
02 High gear 1st gears- 49
02 high gear high groove- 10
02 high gear man/machine- MM4A
02 eclipse racing champions-RC19
02 PP Premium Reflectors- R12, R40
02 PP Premium premium choice- 74
Trackside dialed in-5
Trackside runnin & gunnin- 6
Trackside liscense to drive- 14
VIP Xplosive-X46
VIP makin the show- MS22
VIp mile master trans- MM5
02 Stealth lap leader- 12
Stealth foils- P41, P42, P54
02 Optima gold- g13
Optima fan favorite- ff10
02 Coca cola poker playing cards #7 all 4 suits
03 PP snapshots- ss10
(back to top)
Matt Kenseth
99 wheels runnin & gunnin #rg23
99 pp vip explosive #x33
00 maxx speedway boogie #sb2
00 maxx drive time #dt9
00 maxximum cruise control #cc6 (2)
00 ud racing record pace #rp8
00 ud racing high groove #3
00 pp trackside make the show #ms13
00 optima parallel #10
00 optima parallel #46
00 optima g-force
01 high gear 1st gears #11,29,55 & 59
01 HG hot streaks #7
01 HG gearshifters #12
01 optima gold 10
g force 9
01 PP vintage #13
01 PP millennium #59
01 pp premium reflectors- 10 & regular diecut 61
01 pp premium in the zone 7
01 trackside diecuts 22,45
01 vip makin the show 8
02 high gear high groove- 11
02 high gear 1st gear- 11
02 press pass vintage- 11
02 eclipse solar eclipse-S37
02 PP Premium Reflectors- R15, R41
02 PP Premium Challenger- 63
02 Premium In the Zone-IZ7
Press pass cup chase redeemed- cc7
VIP xplosive- X7, 20, 24
VIP making the show- MS8
02 Stealth lap leader- 14
Stealth foils- P17
02 Optima gold-G15
Optima fan favorite- FF12
Optima Q&A- qa4
03 Press pass platinum-p17
snapshots- ss12
(back to top)
Bobby Labonte
95 5 sport base-166
95 5 sport red signature #ed to 1995- S82
95 5 sport diecut- 166
95 crown jewels ruby edit. #42
95 crown jewels ruby edit #37(makar)
95 Finish line coca cola 600- 12
95 speedstreet 600 festival-17
96 Action packed McDonald's- 6,16
96 Autographed front runners- BL & Gibbs 2 different, BL & Makar 2 diff
96 Pinnacle foil magazine set- 18,47,78,79,80,81,90
97 Pinnacle trophy collection-18,47,64,77
97 Ultra Winn Dixie- WD6
98 maxximum preview #18
99 pp stealth fusion #f18(2)
fusion #f17
fusion #h16
octane reg #o12
big numbers reg #bn11
99 pp vip explosive #x13 (3)
explosive #x44
99 wheels high groove #hg1
runnin & gunnin #rg8
00 Maxximum cruise control #cc2
pure adrenaline- 3
dialed in #d4
00 maxx drive time #dt7 (4)
00 ud mvp cup quest #cq8
nascar stars #ns7 (2)
00 pp retro techno #12
00 pp trackside dialed in d/c #di2
diecut base #33
00 ud racing record pace #rp2 (4)
00 pp vip making the show #ms1
explosive #x1 (2)
lap leader #ll3
00 pp optima g-force #11
00 ud sp- drivers seat #2
01 Coca cola racing family card
01 CHP supershots- SP2
01 High gear 1st gears- 1,48,57,62
gear shifters #1 & 27
01 pp vintage #1
01 pp premium gold reflectors- 11,34
01 optima gold 50
optima g force 10
01 stealth lap leader 7,25
01 trackside diecuts 13
trackside run & gun 9
01 vip makin the show 9
02 press pass velocity 6
02 press pass vintage- 12
02 high gear high groove- 12
high gear man/machine- MM5A
02 eclipse solar eclipse-S42
eclipse racing champions-RC34
02 PP Premium Reflector- R16
Press pass cup chase redeemption- cc8
Trackside runnin & gunnin-4
Trackside liscense to drive- 16
VIP makin the show- MS9
VIP xplosives- X8, 25
02 Stealth lap leader- 15
Stealth foils- P19, P20, P62
Stealth behind the #s- 8
02 Optima fan favorite- FF13
Optima q&a- qa5
03 press pass snapshots- ss13
(back to top)
Terry Labonte
89 Maxx- 11,147
94 Finish line gold promo
94 Optima xl red hot- 10,39
95 ac racing postcard
95 finish line coca cola 600- 24,40
95 high gear #8 day 1
95 high gear #77 day 1
95 Optima xl red hot- 10,39
95 traks #61 1st run
95 traks #41 1st run
96 Action Packed McDonalds- 7,17
96 Knightquest Red Knight Preview #ed 1,996-6,28
96 Pinnacle foil magazine set- 5,40
96 Pinnacle precision silver metal card #57
96 Upper deck 500 game- 8
96 ud predictor 5
96 ud collectors choice triple force #1 of 3-d
96 ud game face #gf5
96 upper deck predictor redemption- PR5
96 fleer ultra winner #14
96 fleer ultra inside out #dc3
97 action packed 1st impressions-5,47,53,83
97 jurassic park raptors #r1
97 Pinnacle trophy collection-5,34,59,76,93
97 pp prem mirror #1
97 pp prem mirror #30
97 pp prem lap leader #ll7
97 pp vip explosive #14
97 pp actionvision #1
99 pp prem #45
99 pp stealth octane reg #11
99 pp stealth headlines #sh9
99 pp vip explosive #x14, x45
00 high gear winning edge-8
00 maxximim dialed in #d5
00 ud mvp nascar stars #ns8 (2)
00 pp techno retro #tr13
00 pp premium diecut #48
00 pp vip head gear #hg5 reg(holo)
00 optima parallel #12
00 vip xplosive 9
01 optima gold 12
g force 11
cool persistence 8
01 pp premium reflector-31
01 stealth fusion 5
lap leader acetate 3
lap leader d/c 21
01 trackside d/c 6,41
01 vip xplosive 9
makin the show 3
02 High gear high groove- 13
02 press pass vintage- 13
Press pass cup chase redeemption- CC9
02 eclipse supernova- SN10
02 PP Premium Reflector-R17 and Champion reflector- R54
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c-19
VIP headgear- HG8
VIP makin the show- MS4
VIp xplosive- X3, 37
02 Stealth lap leader- 16
Stealth foils- P67
Stealth EFX- 12
02 Optima fan favorite-FF14
Optima cool persistence- cp8
03 PP snapshots- ss14
(back to top)
Sterlin Marlin
89 Maxx- 94
90 maxx glossys-94,176
94 maxx rookie of the year-5
94 Optima xl red hots- 11,37
95 AC racing postcard
95 5 sport base-169
95 finish line coca cola 600- 6,8,34
95 speedstreet 600 festival- 6
95 optima xl red hot- 11,37
95 high gear ruby-9
96 action packed mcdonalds-4,14
96 assets base-21
96 assets 2.00 phone card-12
96 Autographed front runners- SM w/hat & Glover, SM w/o hat & Glover
SM w/hat & SM w/o hat, SM w/o hat & car, SM w/hat & car, SM w/hat & Pittman
SM w/o hat & Pittman, Glover & car
96 Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1,996-3,33,37
96 Pinnacle foil magazine set- 4,39,74,75,76,77,87,93
96 Speedstreet 600 festival foils- 6
96 Upper deck predictor redemption-PR2
96 Upper deck 500 game card- 6
96 maxx blue ribbon- BR13
97 action packed 1st impressions-4,46,76
97 Frontier 7-11 phone card- 2
97 Pinnacle trophy collection-4,33,71,78
98 maxximum preview-P3
98 maxximum first class- F20
99 stealth big numbers- 13
99 vip xplosive-x15
00 optima g force- GF15
00 press pass retro- 15
00 trackside panorame- 19
00 vip makin the show- 18
00 vip xplosive-16
01 high gear 1st gear-47
01 optima g force- 12
01 optima gold-G13
01 press pass vintage- 18
01 pp premium reflectors- 13,41
01 stealth lap leader- 15,33
01 trackside diecuts- 37
trackside dialed in- 9
01 vip makin the show- 19
xplosives- 40
02 high gear high groove- 14
high gear 1st gear- 58
02 press pass retro- 14
02 eclipse racing champions-RC29
eclipse solar eclipse- S4
Press pass cup chase redemption- CC14
02 PP Premium Reflector- R18, R42, Challenger reflector- R64
02 PP Premium premium choice- 78
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c-20
VIp makin the show- MS18
VIP Xplosives- X14, 22, 38
02 Stealth EFX- 2
Stealth lap leader- 17
Stealth foils- P36
02 Optima gold- g18
Optima fan favorites- FF15
Optima cool persistnecs- cp9
03 PP snapshots- ss15
(back to top)
Mark Martin
88 maxx -48
89 Maxx- 6
94 optima xl red hot- 12,27
95 optima xl red hot- 12,27
95 Maxx get in the club card
95 speedstreet 600 festival- 5
96 action packed mcdonalds-5
96 assets base- 22
96 Assets racing 2.00 phone card 9
96 Autographed front runners- MM w/o hat & car, MM w/o hat & Burton
MM w/hat & car, MM w/hat & MM w/o hat, MM w/o hat & Hmiel, MM w/hat &Hmiel
96 classic silver 30
96 Collectors Choice UD 500- #11
98 pp retro- 102
98 maximum preview 6
98 upper deck speed zone- 2
98 upper deck 50th anniversery- AN46(Mark's car leading the pack)
99 wheels runnin & gunnin 1
2000 Pocono Raceways nascar cash lottery ticket scratched
00 high gear 1st gear- 30
00 maxx speedway boogie 7
00 maxx drive time 6
00 maximum dialed in 6
00 pp premium reflector #31
00 pp trackside diecut base #20
00 trackside diecut base #32
00 ud racing record pace #rp4
00 ud racing thunder road #tr3
00 pp vip making the show #ms12
00 pp vip explosive #x35
00 pp vip under the lights #ul7
00 vip lap leader explosive 7
00 optima parallel #44
00 optima encore #3
00 optima g-force #16
00 ud sp drivers seat #3
01 high gear 1st gear 8 & 49
01 HG gearshifters #8,49
01 HG hot streaks #4
01 optima gold 14,45
01 optima g force 13
01 optima up close 5
01 pp premium gold reflector- 14 and gold diecut 63
01 press pass velocity #6
01 stealth gold 12
01 stealth profile 1
01 trackside diecuts 23
01 trackside runnin & gunnin 4
02 high gear high groove- 15
high gear 1st gear- 15
02 press pass vintage- 15
press pass cup chase redemption- CC10
02 PP Premium Reflector- R43
Trackside liscense to drivereg & d/c-21
Trackside dialed in- 10
VIp makin the show- MS5
VIP Xplosives- X36, 40, 41
02 Stealth lap leader- 18
Stealth foils- P7, P58, P68
02 Optima fan favorite- ff16
Optima cool persistence- cp10
03 PP platinum- p21
snapshots- ss16
(back to top)
Jeremy Mayfield
96 assets 2.00 phone card- 24
96 pinnacle magazine foil set-35
96 Speedstreet 600 festival foils- 15
97 action packed 1st impressions-7,28
97 Pinnacle trophy collection-13,42
98 upper deck 50th anniversery- 48
99 pp retro #106
99 ud sp drivers seat #ds2
99 pp vip explosive #17
99 pp vip explosive #47
00 ud mvp silver script #66
00 pp techno retro #tr17
00 pp trackside diecut #21
00 trackside panorama-7
00 pp vip lap leader #l2
00 pp vip lap leader explosive #12
00 pp vip explosive #x10
00 pp optima parrallel #17
00 pp optima g-force
01 high gear 1st gear #24
01 HG gearshifters #25
01 optima g force 14
01 press pass vintage #22
01 press pass premium reflectors= 15
01 trackside diecut-24
01 vip xplosive- 18 & 47
01 vip makin the show 6
02 press pass parrallel p23
Trackside liscense to drive-22
VIP makin the show- MS10
02 Stealth lap leader- 19
02 Optima gold- g20
Optima fan favorite- ff17
(back to top)
Steve Park
99 pp vip explosive #x19
99 upper deck speed zone- 11
00 pp techno retro #tr19
00 pp premium reflector #1
00 pp trackside panorama #p1
00 optima g-force
01 high gear gearshifters #19
01 high gear 1st gear #54
01 optima gold 17,46
01 pp premium reflectors- 18,28
01 pp vintage #11
01 stealth gold 2,3
lap leader acetate 1
lap leader d/c 1,19
01 trackside diecut 9,39
dialed in 1
01 vip xplosive 20
makin the show 1
02 press pass parrallels p27,p69
02 press pass showman 6a
02 press pass vintage- 18
02 high gear high groove- 18
02 high gear 1st gears- 18,59
02 Press Pass Nabisco/Albertsons promo
02 eclipse racing champions- RC2
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c-25
VIP makin the show- MS1
VIP xplosives- X1
02 Optima gold- g22
Optima fan favorite- ff19
02 Coca cola poker playing cards #6 all 4 suits
03 PP platinum- p24
(back to top)
Ricky Rudd
89 Maxx-158
90 AC Racing- 5
94 optima xl red hot- 15,33,53
95 ac racing postcard
95 5-sport base-171
95 finish line coca cola 600- 21,39
95 speedstreet 600 festival- 7
95 optima xl red hot- 15,33,53
96 assets 2.00 phone card- 13
96 finish line black gold #d10
96 Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1,996-10
96 maxx blue ribbon #br10
96 pinnacle magazine foil set-10,43
96 scoreboard wc rewind- 29
96 Speedstreet 600 festival foils- 7
96 Upper deck 500 game card-18
97 action packed 1st impressions-10,31
97 Pinnacle trophy collection- 10,39,67
98 maxx maxximum preview #10
98 pp prem mirrors #44
98 pp stealth fusion #28
98 pp stealth fusion #29
99 pp vip explosive #x20
99 wheels runnin 7 gunnin #rg16
99 upper deck income statement- 11
00 high gear gearshifters 27
00 maxx drive time #dt10
00 pp premium reflector #38
00 pp trackside panorama #14
00 pp trackside diecut #24
00 pp vip making the show #ms15
00 pp vip explosive #x7
00 ud racing thunder road #tr4
00 pp optima g-force #20
00 VIP makin the show- 15
01 Coca cola racing family promo
01 high gear 1st gears #7 & 30
01 HG gearshifters #7
01 optima gold 20,47
optima g force 20
01 pp premium gold reflector- 20,37, dc 66
01 stealth gold 31,32
stealth lap leader d/c 11,29
01 trackside run & gun 1
01 vip xplosive 7,28
vip makin the show 14
02 press pass showcar 10b
press pass showman- S10A
press pass vintage- 19
02 high gear high groove- 21
high gear 1st gears- 31,51
high gear top tier- 4
02 eclipse racing champions- RC15
02 PP Premium Reflectors- R25, R45
02 PP Premium challenger- 67
press pass cup chase redemption- CC12
Trackside runnin & gunnin- 7
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c- 27
VIP makin the show- MS24
VIP mile masters- MM11
VIP xplosives- X39
02 Stealth lap leader- 22
02 Coca cola poker playing cards #4 all 4 cards
03 PP snapshots- SS19
(back to top)
Mike Skinner
97 Pinnacle trophy collection-26,55,72
97 action packed 1st impressions-24,50
97 Jurrassic Park thunder lizard- TL9
97 Pinnacle trophy collection- 86
98 maxx maxximum preview #20
99 maxx racing images #17
99 maxx race ticket
99 pp retro #124
99 pp stealth fusion #f28
99 stealth octane reg #o19
99 wheels run & gun #rg7
00 ud mvp silver script #82
00 pp techno retro #tr23
00 pp trackside diecut base #9
00 trackside panorama-15
00 pp vip under the lights xplosive #ul8
00 vip lap leader 8
00 vip makin the show 14
00 ud sp drivers seat #10
00 pp premium reflector- 23
01 high gear 1st gear #10
01 HG gearshifters #11
01 press pass vintage #12
01 PP Premium gold reflectors- 23, 38
01 optima g force 23
01 optima cool persistence-11
01 optima g force- 23
01 stealth lap leader acetate 13
01 stealth lap leader-31
01 trackside diecut- 10
01 vip xplosives- 15, 36
01 vip makin the show 16
02 Press pass vintage- 22
02 press pass platinum- 32
02 PP Premium reflector- R28
press pass cup chase redemption- CC11
02 Trackside liscense to drive reg- 30
VIP makin the show- MS3
Stealth lap leader- 24
03 PP snapshots- ss23
(back to top)
Tony Stewart
99 wheels runnin & gunnin #rg18
99 PP Premium burning desire 6b
00 maxx drive time #dt1
00 pp techno retro #24
00 pp trackside diecut #14 (3)
00 ud racing thunder road #tr6
00 ud record pace #rp9 (2)
00 ud speeding ticket #4
00 ud high groove #4
00 press pass showcar 17
00 pp vip lap leader #ll2
00 pp vip explosive #x36
00 optima g-force
00 optima parrallel #24
00 vip xplosive 27,36
vip makin the show 21
01 CHP supershots- sp3
01 optima gold 48
optima g force 25
01 pp premium gold reflectors-25,35
01 pp premium diecut- 68
01 PP vintage #27
01 stealth gold 23,70
stealth profile 3
stealth lap leader d/c 8
01 trackside diecuts 15
runnin & gunnin 7
01 vip xplosive 48
makin the show 10
02 High gear 1st gears- 25,32,54
high gear high groove- 25
02 press pass top shelf ts8
press pass vintage-24
02 eclipse racing champions- RC24
02 PP Premium Reflectors- R30, R44, R48, R50
02 PP Premium challenger- 68
Press pass cup chase redemption- CC15
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c- 32
Trackside runnin & gunnin- 8
Trackside dialed in- 11
VIP makin the show- MS11
VIP xplosives- X9, 21,27,32
Stealth lap leader- 26
02 Optima gold- g28
Optima fan favorite- ff25
Optima q&a- qa9
03 Press pass platinum-p61,p96
(back to top)
Rusty Wallace
89 Maxx- 154,169,210
94 Optima xl red hot- 22,30,35,40,51,54
94 traks valvoline- 97
95 5 sport base-165
95 5-Sport Strive for 5 game card
95 optima xl red hot- 22,30,35,40,51,54
96 assets 2.00 phone card_15
96 Autographed front runners- Pemberton & car
96 pinnacle steel bronze #37
96 pinnacle magazine rack foil set-2,37,86,89,94
96 Upper deck 500 game cards- 2,3
97 action packed 1st impressions-2,44,69,73
97 Pinnacle trophy collection-2,31,62,73,92,96
98 maxx maxximum preview #2
99 wheels runnin & gunnin #2
99 pp stealth headlines #sh5
99 pp vip explosive #26
99 pp vip explosive #49
00 ud victory circle income statement #is8
00 ud racing thunder road #tr2
00 pp vip explosive #x44
00 pp vip making the show #ms17 (2)
00 pp trackside diecut base #19
00 pp trackside runnin & gunnin #rg3
00 pp premium diecut #50
00 maxx drive time #dt8
00 optima g-force #25
00 vip makin the show 17
00 vip lap leader 6
00 vip head gear 2
00 vip under the lights explosive 6
01 high gear 1st gears #6,32,52 & 58
01 optima gold 49
01 optima on the edge 9
01 optima g force 26
01 pp premium gold reflector- 26,29
01 stealth gold -23,70
01 stealth lap leader diecut 2,20
01 press pass vintage #7
01 trackside diecuts 29
runnin & gunnin 3
dialed in- 2
mirror image- 2
01 vip xplosive 30
makin the show 2
02 High gear 1st gears- 26,33
02 High gear man- MM9A
high gear high groove- 26
02 press pass parrallels p35
Press pass cup chase redemption- CC16
02 PP Velocity- VL9
press pass vintage- 25
02 PP Premium Champion- 55
PP Premium reflector- R32
Trackside dialed In- DI12
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c-34
VIP makin the show- MS2
VIP rear view mirror diecut- RV2
VIP xplosives- X2, 31, 44, 45
Stealth lap leader- 27
Stealth foils- P2, P72
02 Optima gold-g29
Optima fan favorite- ff26
03 PP platinum- p32
(back to top)
Michael Waltrip
95 finish line coca cola 600- 19
95 speedstreet 600 festival- 13
96 Assets racing 2.00 phone card- 18
96 Autographed front runners- MW w/hat & MW w/o hat, MW & DW
MW w/hat & car, MW w/hat & Woods Brothers
96 Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1,996-19
96 Maxx blue ribbon- BR5
96 Pinnacle magazine inserts-21,48
96 Speedstreet 600 festival foils- 13
97 Action Packed 1st Impressions- 15,36,59,71,74
97 Pinnacle trophy collection- 21,50,83
98 Maxximum Preview- P21
99 Maxx race ticket- RT29
99 Press pass retro- 115
99 Stealth octane0 O23
99 Vip xplosives- X27
99 Wheels runnin & gunnin- 10
00 Press Pass millennium- 51
00 Press Pass Retro- 27
00 Optima G-Force- 26
00 SP Performance #ed to 2,500- 53
00 Trackside diecut- 5
00 Vip makin the show- 22
01 Optima G force- 27
01 PP Premium gold reflectors- 27 & 33
01 Stealth lap leaders diecut- LL5
01 Trackside panorama- P5
01 Trackside diecuts- 11 & 44
01 VIP makin the show- 7
01 VIP Xplosives- X13, X19
02 Eclipse racing champions- 1
02 Eclipse solar- S20
02 High gear high groove- 27
02 Press Pass Nabisco Promo
02 Press pass cup chase prize- CC17
02 Press pass platinum- 36
02 PP Vintage- 26
02 PP Premium diecut- 69
02 PP Premium reflectors- 33, 47
02 Trackside liscense to drive reg & diecut- 35
02 Optima gold- g30
02 Coca cola poker playing cards #2 all 4
(back to top)
Jimmie Johnson
01 Optima gold- G32
High Gear 1st Gears- F38 & F70
PP Premium reflectors- R13, R34, R49
Press Pass Premium diecut- 62
Trackside liscense to drive- LD15
VIP makin the show- MS21
VIP xplosives- X16, 50
Optima Gold- G14
Optima cool persistence- CP6
Optima Q&A- QA3
Optima fan favorite- ff11
Optima up close- uc4
Press Pass Premium Beckett Sample- 34
Stealth lap leader- LL13
Stealth EFX- Fx11
Stealth Fusion- FU6
Stealth platinum- P39
Trackside liscense to drive diecut & reg-LD15
VIP making the show-MS21
VIP explosives- x16,x23,x50
VIP dialed in-DI6
Press pass platinums- 63,64,66,67,79,80
PP top shelf-TS4
PP velocity- vc4
PP showman/showcar- S6A,S6B
PP snapshots-ss11
(back to top)
Kurt Busch
Press Pass Premium reflector- 46
Optima G Force- GF3
Trackside diecut- 18
Eclipse Solars- S21, S49
High Gear high groove- HG4
High Gear 1st gear- F4
Press Pass Premium Reflectors- R5
Press Pass Premium Diecut- 58
Trackside liscense to drive- LD6
Stealth lap leader- 5
Optima gold- g5, g49
Optima fan favorite- ff4
Press pass platinum-p7,p75
PP snapshots-ss18
(back to top)
Ryan Newman
High Gear 1st Gear- 66
High Gear 1st Gear- F43
Eclipse Solars- S28 & S43
Press Pass Premium Reflectors- R23 & R35
Trackside Liscense to drive reg & diecut- LD24
VIP makin the show- MS7
VIP Xplosive- X6
Stealth lap leader- 20
Stealth foils- P72
Optima gold- g21,g46
Optima fan favorite- ff18
(back to top)
Jerry Nadeau
Maxximum Preview- P13
High Gear 1st gear- 23, 53
High Gear gearshifters- GS24
Optima G force- GF15
Optima Gold- 18
Press pass Vintage- VN19
Press Pass Premium reflector- 12
Trackside diecut- 7
Eclipse Solar- S14
High Gear 1st gear- F16
High Gear high groove- HG16
Press Pass Vintage- VN16
PP Premium reflector- R21
Trackside liscense to drive reg & diecut- LD23
(back to top)
Ricky Craven
1995 AC racing postcard
Autographed racing front runners- Ricky and Ricky
Maxx blue ribbon- BR4
Pinnacle magazine foils-32,56
Speedstreet 600 festival foils- 14
UD 500 card game- UD85
1997 Action Pkd 1st Impressions- 25 & 51
97 Pinnacle trophy collection- 25,54
High Gear 1st gear- 71
Trackside diecut- 19
Eclipse racing champions- RC30
High Gear high groove- HG5
High gear 1st gear- F5
Press Pass Vintage- VN5
PP Premium reflectors- R6
PP Premium diecut- 59
Trackside liscense to drive reg & diecut- LD7
Optima gold- g6
Optima fan favorite- ff5
Beckett 02 Optima sample-6
Press pass snapsjots- ss5
(back to top)
Kyle Petty
1993 AC Racing fold out
1995 AC racing postcard
95 speedstreet 600 festival- 11
Assets Racing 2.00 phone card- 19
Classic Silver 96- 13
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1,996-18,27
Pinnacle magazine foils-31,57
Speedstreet 600 festival foils- 11
1997 Pinnacle trophy collection- 1,30,79
UD Racing Thunder Road- TR1
Coca Cola Kyle Petty Card
Optima g force- GF18
PP Premium Reflectors- 19, 42
Trackside diecut- 38
VIP makin the show- MS20
Eclipse solar- S27
High Gear high groove- HG19
Press Pass Platinum- P28
PP Premium Reflectors- R24
Trackside liscense to drive- LD26
VIP makin the show- MS20
Stealth lap leader- 21
Optima gold- g23
Optima fan favorite- ff20
(back to top)
Ken Schrader
1990 AC racing- 4
1991 AC Racing -6
1993 AC Racing fold out
1994 Maxx rookie of the year-7
1995 AC Racing postcard
Assets racing 2.00 phone card- 7
Classic silver 96- 46
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1,996-13
Pinnacle foils-25
Traks review & preview 1st run- 42
Maxximum 1st Class- F8
UD Speedzone- SZ15
Stealth octane- O18
High Gear 1st gear- 15
High Gear gearshifter- GS16
Optima Gold- G22
Optima G Force- GF22
Press Pass Vintage-VN17
PP Premium reflector- 22 & 40
VIP makin the show- MS18
High Gear 1st gear- F23, F52
High Gear high groove- HG23
Press pass cup chase prize- CC13
Press Pass vintage- VN21
Press Pass Platinum- P31
PP Premium reflector- R27
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c- LD29
VIp makin the show- MS17
Stealth lap leader- 23
(back to top)
Joe Nemechek
1995 AC Racing postcard
1996 Pinnacle magazine foils-14,63
1999 Press Pass Retro-122
Optima G Force- GF18
Press Pass Retro- TR18
Trackside panorama- P17
VIP makin the show- MS9
Optima Gold- G16
Optima g force- GF16
Press Pass Vintage- VN14
PP Premium reflectors- 17 & 39
Stealth lap leader d/c-LL32
Trackside d/c- 8
VIP makin the show- MS17
Eclipse racing champions- RC33
Eclipse Solar- S22
High Gear high groove- HG17
High Gear 1st gear- F17
Press Pass Vintage- VN17
PP Premium Reflectors- R22
Stealth lap leaders acetate0- LL14
(back to top)
Jimmy Spencer
1996 Pinnacle magazine foils-23,50
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1,996-35,42
1997 Action packed 1st impressions- 12 & 33
97 Pinnacle trophy collection- 23,52
1998 maxximum 1st Class- F2
Maxximum Preview- P23
1999 VIP xplosive- X38
2000 Trackside panorama- P13
High Gear 1st gear-22
High gear gearshifter- GS23
Optima g force- GF24
Press pass vintage- VN20
VIP Makin the show- MS13
VIP Xplosive- X44
High Gear 1st gear-F24 & F53
High Gear high groove- HG24
Press Pass vintage- 23
Trackside liscense to drive- 32
Stealth lap leader- 25
(back to top)
Bobby Hamilton
1994 Maxx rookie of the year- 12
Autographed Racing front runners- Bobby & Richard
Pinnacle magazine foils-29,58
UD 500 card game- UD27 & UD28
1997 Act Pkd 1st Impressions- 1,49,86
Pinnacle trophy collection- 20,49,81
1998 Maxximum Preview- P4
1999 Maxx Race Ticket- RT11
Stealth Octane- O8
2000 Optima G Force- GF8
Trackside diecut-3
Trackside panorama- P3
High Gear 1st Gear- 20 & 65
High gear gearshifter- GS21
Optima Gold- G7
Optima g force- GF6
Press Pass vintage- VN27
PP Premium gold reflector- 7
Trackside diecut- 4
VIP makin the show- MS21
High Gear 1st gear- F8
High gear high groove- HG8
Press Pass Vintage- VN8
PP Premium reflector- R10
Trackside liscense to drive reg & diecut- LD12
Stealth lap leader- 10
(back to top)
John Andretti
Assets racing 2.00 phone card- 16/25
Maxx blue ribbon- BR8
Pinnacle magazine foils-34,55
Speedstreet 600 festival foils-8
UD 500 game- UD 77 & UD78
1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 19 &40
1998 Maxximum 1st class- F3
1999 UD Speedzone- SZ13
2000 Maxximum cruise control- CC3
Trackside diecut- 17
Trackside panorama- P2
High gear 1sy=t gear- 21
High gear gearshifters- GS22
Optima Gold- 1
Press pass vintage- VN21
Press pass premium reflector-1
Trackside diecut- 30
Press pass premium reflector- R1
Trackside liscense to drive reg & diecut- LD1
VIP makin the show- MS19
VIP Xplosive- X15
Stealth lap leader- 1
Coca cola poker playing cards #10 all 4 suits
(back to top)
Elliott Sadler
1999 Stealth octane- O22
High gear gearshifter- GS24
Optima g force- GF21
Trackside panorama-P10
Trackside generation now- GN4
VIP makin the show- MS3
High gear 1st gear- 50 & 64
High gear gearshifter- GS10
Optima gold- G21
Optima gforce- GF21
Press pass vintage- VN26
PP Premium reflectors- 21
Trackside diecut- 27
Eclipse racing champions- RC6
High gear high groove- HG22
Press pass vintage- VN20
Press pass platinum- P30 & P68
PP Premium reflector- R26
Trackside liscense to drive reg & diecut- LD28
(back to top)
Darrell Waltrip
1990 AC Racing- 2
1991 AC Racing- 3
1993 AC Racing foldout
1995 AC Racing postcard
Assets racing 2.00 phone card- 11/25
Autographed racing front runners- DW w/helmet & Michael,
DW w/o helmet & Mikey,DW w/helmet & DW w/o helmet
Classic Silver 96- 24
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1,996-17
Maxx blue ribbon- BR11
Pinnacle magazine foils-17,46
UD 500 game- UD 34 & UD35
1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 17,38,85
Pinnacle trophy collection-17,46,94
Maxx Card of the Year- CY4
Maxximum Preview- P1
Maxximum 1st Class- F19
Maxximum cruise control- CC10
Optima parrallel- 26
SP high velocity- HV3
Trackside diecut- 25
Trackside panorama- P24
VIP xplosives- X38 & X47
2002 Press pass vintage- VN34
(back to top)
Robert Pressley
1996 Autographed racing front runners- RP & Charlie Pressley
Pinnacle magazine foils-33,54
1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 20 & 41
1997 Autographed Racing Mayne Street- KM29
1999 High Gear 1st gear-23
High Gear gear shifters- GS26
2000 Trackside panorama- P18
2001 High gear 1st gear- 14
High gear gearshifter- GS15
Optima G Force- GF19
PP Premium reflector- 16
Trackside diecut- 25
2002 High Gear 1st gear-F20
High gear high groove- HG20
(back to top)
Geoffery Bodine
1993 Quik Chek Card Dynamics metal card- 6
1994 Maxx rookie of the year-4
1995 Classic 5 Sport red signature #ed to 1,995- S90
Autographed front runner- Geoff & Paul andrews, GB & TB, GB & BB,
1996 Assets racing 2.00 phone card- 4
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1996-16
Pinnacle magazine foils-7,42
Speedstreet 600 festival foils-16
Upper deck 500- UD13
1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 22 & 48
Pinnacle trophy collection- 7,36
1998 MaxximumPreview- 7
1999 Wheels runnin & gunnin- RG20
2000 Trackside panorama- P23
(back to top)
Kenny Wallace
1993 C Racing foldout
1994 Maxx rookie of the year-14
1995 Autographed front runners- Kenny & Mike
1996 Action Packed McDonalds- 9 & 19
Pinnacle magazine foils-19,62
1999 High gear 1st gear-59
2000 High Gear 1st gear-56
High gear gearshifter- GS22
MVP silver script- 16
Optima G Force- GF24
Press Pass Vintage- VN24
Trackside panorama- P22
VIP makin the show- MS16
2002 High Gear 1st gear- 19
(back to top)
Chad Little
1996 Maxx blue ribbon- BR14
UD 500 - UD87
1997 Action Pkd 1st impressions- 21 & 42
1999 Vip xplosive- X3
2000 MVP silver script- 15
Optima g force- GF14
Optima gold- 14
Press Pass retro- TR14
Trackside panorama- P27
VIP xplosive- X13
VIP makin the show- MS2
2001 Optima gold- G35
Trackside diecut- 56
2002 High Gear 1st gear- F41
Press Pass Platinum- P47
Stealth foils- P49
(back to top)
Ernie Irvan
1991 AC Racing- 4
1993 AC Racing foldout-
1995 Autographed front runners- EI & car, EI & EI,
EI side & LM, EI on car & LM, EI side & RY, EI front & RY
Classic 5 Sport diecut- 174
1996 Action Packed McDonalds- 8 & 18
Assets racing 2.00 phone card- 6, 17 & 25
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1996- 12
Pinnacle magazine foils-28,52,88
Speedstreet 600 festival foils- 10,18,21,gold insert 21
1997 Action Pkd 1st impressions- 9, 30, 77, 80
1999 Maxx race ticket- RT7
(back to top)
Johnny Benson
1996 Fleer Ultra Winn Dixie- WD7
Pinnacle magazine foils-30,53
1997 Action pkd 1st impresions- 61,68,81
1999 VIP xplosive- X2
2000 MVP silver script- 14
Optima Gold-2
Optima gforce- GF1
Press pass retro- 2
Trackside panorama- P8
VIp makin the show- MS10
(back to top)
Kenny Irwin
1998 Maxximum Preview- P25
1999 Press Pass retro- 119
VIP xplosive- X11
2000 Trackside diecut-12 & 44
Trackside panorama- P20
VIP makin the show- MS11
(back to top)
Jeff Green
1996 Maxx blue ribbon- BR15
1997 Pinnacle trophy collection-29,58,85
1999 Stealth fusion- 41
2000 Optima gold- 34
2001 High gear 1st gear- 36
Stealth gold- G48
2002 High gear 1st gear- F34 & F69
PP Premium Reflector- R9
Trackside liscense to drive reg & diecut- LD11
Stealth lap leader- 9
(back to top)
Elton Sawyer
1995 Autographed racing front runner- Elton & Patti Moise
1996 UD 500 card game- UD81
1999 VIP xplosive- X37
2000 Optima gold- 39
2001 High gear 1st gear- 41
Optima gold- G39
Trackside diecut- 52
2002 High gear 1st gear- F45
(back to top)
Dick Trickle
1994 Maxx rookie of the year-11
1995 Classic silver 96- 4
1996 UD 500 game- UD84
1999 Vip xplosive- X39
(back to top)
Dave Blaney
1999 Stealth fusion- F38
2000 Trackside panorama- P26
2001 High Gear 1st gear- 25
High Gear gearshifters- GS26
PP Premium reflector- 24
Trackside diecut- 32
2002 Eclipse solar-S19
High gear 1st gear- F1
Press pass platinum- P2
PP Vintage- VN1
Trackside liscense to drive- LD2
(back to top)
Todd Bodine
1998 Maxximum Preview- P17
2001 High gear 1st gear- 35
Trackside diecut- 16
VIP makin the show- MS22
2002 Eclipse solar- S46
Press Pass Platinum- P4
(back to top)
Brett Bodine
1996 Autographed Racing front runner- Brett & Geoff, Brett & Todd
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1996-20
Pinnacle magazine foils-11
1997 Autographed racing Mayne Street- KM27
Pinnacle trophy collection-11,40
2000 Trackside panorama- P6
2002 Eclipse solar- S25
Press Pass Platinum- P3
PP Vintage- VN2
PP Premium Reflector- R2
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c- LD3
(back to top)
Randy Lajoie
1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 55, 57
1997 Autographed Mayne Street- KM16
1999 Vip xplosive- X34
2000 Optima gold- 38
2001 High gear 1st gear- 39
Optima gold- G34
Trackside diecut- 60
2002 Press Pass Platinum- P46
(back to top)
Wally Dallenbach
1996 Upper deck 500 card game- UD31
Pinnacle magazine foils-15
2000 Optima g force- GF4
Press Pass Millennium- 18
Trackside panorama- P25
VIP makin the show- MS24
(back to top)
Jason Keller
1999 VIP xplosive- X32
2000 MVP silver script- 41
2001 High gear 1st gear- 37
Trackside diecut- 59
2002 High gear 1st gear- F39
(back to top)
Kevin Lepage
1999 Wheels runnin & gunnin- RG24
2000 MVP silver script- 11
Optima g force- GF13
Trackside panorama- P9
2001 Press Pass Vintage- VN25
(back to top)
Hut Stricklin
1991 AC Racing- 9
1996 Viper busch clash- B3
Pinnacle magazine foils-8,65
1997 Action Pkd 1st impressions- 60
Autographed Mayne Street- KM25
2002 PP Premium reflector- R31
Trackside liscense to drive reg & diecut- LD33
(back to top)
David Green
1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 56,70,79
Pinnacle trophy collection- 9,38,87
1999 VIP xplosive- X9
2000 Optima gold- 30
2001 Optima g force- GF27
Optima gold- G29
Trackside diecut- 58
2002 High gear 1st gear- F35
(back to top)
Kevin Grubb
2000 SP Performance Overdrive #88/250- 71
2001 High gear 1st gear- 33
Optima gold- G30
Stealth foil- G49
2002 High Gear 1st gear- F36
Press Pass Platinum- P41
(back to top)
All Other Drivers
Derrick Cope
1996 Maxx blue ribbon- BR1
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1996-14
Pinnacle magazine foils-12,44
1997 Pinnacle trophy collection-12,41
1999 VIP xplosive- X6
Ted Musgrave
1995 Zenith helmets promo- 8
1996 Autographed front runner- Ted & Jeff Burton
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1996-4
1997 Fleer Ultra Winn Dixie- WD9
Ricard Petty
1996 Autographed front runner- Petty & Childress
1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 67
Ultra Winn Dixie- WD5
2002 Eclipse racing champions- RC36
Ron Hornaday
2001 Trackside diecut- 12
PP Premium reflector- 47
Jason Leffler
2000 SP Performance #879/2,500- 61
2001 PP Premium reflector- 50
Trackside diecut- 36
Buckshot Jones
2001 PP Premium reflector- 9
Trackside diecut- 35
2002 PP Premium reflector- R14
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c- LD16
Robby Gordon
1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 26,52,75
Autographed racing Mayne Street- KM9
Pinnacle trophy collection-14,43
2002 VIP makin the show- MS16
02 Stealth lap leader- 8
Stealth foils- P63
Lake Speed
1995 Press Pass Blue- 30
1996 Upper deck 500 game- UD16, UD17
Pinnacle magazine foils-9
1997 Autographed Mayne Street- KM7
Jason Jarrett
2000 SP Performance #884/2,500- 63
99 High Gear 1st gear- 42
Scott Pruett
2000 Maxximum cruise control- CC7
Trackside panorama- P16
Andy Houston
2001 PP Premium reflector- 48
Trackside diecut- 20
Hank Parker Jr
2001 High gear 1st gear- 34
2002 Press pass platinum- P51
Greg Biffle
2001 Trackside diecut- 57
Stacy Compton
2001 Trackside diecut- 34
2002 Press pass platinum- P8
Jeff Purvis
1996 Upper deck 500- UD60
2001 Trackside diecut- 62
Morgan Shepherd
1996 UD 500- UD 40 & UD 41
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1996-8
Pinnacle magazine foils-26,60
1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 23 & 43
Jamie McMurray
02 Stealth foils- P51
Jr Johnson- 96 Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1996- 34
(back to top)
Miscellaneous Inserts
Maxx- have over 100(send list)
AC Racing set-6
Maxx Glossy set- have most
AC Racing set-8
Motorsports modelcards set- all but earnhardt's
Winston motorsports champions set-all but Earnhardt's
Dick Trickle Country Star 12 card set
Robert Pressley Alliance racing 9 card set
Maxx gargoyles set- have most
Maxx the winston set- have most
AC Racing foldouts- Phil Parsons
Action packed Alan Kulwicki-AK-2
Card Dynamics Quik Chek Geoff Bodine #6
Maxx rookie of the year- 1,8,10,13
AC Racing postcard- Steve Grissom
5-Sport diecuts- Ernie 174, R Childress 164
5 Sport red signature #ed to 1,995- Geoff Bodine #S90
Classic coca cola 600 set- have all but Earnhardt's
Metallic Impressions Winston 92 champ Kulwicki
Pinnacle zenith Musgrave helmets promo
Action packed mcdonalds- 8,9,18,19
Assets 2.00 phone cards- 3,4,6,7,11,16,17,18,19,25
Autographed racing front runners- all but Earnhardt's
Classic Silver 96 inserts- 4,10,13,24,46
Maxx blue ribbon inserts-1,4,5,8,11,14,15
Pinnacle foil magazine set-1,20,36,59,61,82,83,84
Traks review & preview 1st run- 42
Press Pass blue #30
Upper Deck 500 cards-11,13,16,17,27,28,31,34,35,38,40,41,60
77,78,81, 84,85,87,90
Upper deck predictor longshot card
Viper Busch Clash- 3
Action Packed 1st Impressions- 62,65,66,82
Pinnacle trophy collection set- 15,44 Steve Grissom
Maxx card of the year- CY4
Maxx champions past-8,10
Maxximum 1st class- 2,3,8,19
Maxximum preview- 1,4,7,12,13,21,23,25
Press pass retro- 117,132,139,140,143,148,149
High gear 1st gears-23,42,59
High gear gearshifters-26
Maxx race ticket- 7,11,29
Press pass retro-115,119,122,134
Stealth fusion- 30,38,41,46
Upper deck speed zone-13,15
Vip xplosives-2,3,6,9,11,24,27,32,34,37,38,39
Wheels runnin & gunnin- 10,20,24,33
High gear gearshifters-22,24
Maxximum cruise control- 3,7,10
MVP silver script- 11,14,15,16,41
Optima golds- 1,2,14,18,26,30,34,38,39
Optima g-force-1,4,8,13,14,18,21,24,26,27
Press pass retro-2,14,18,27,28,30
Press pass millennium- 18,51
SP High Velocity- 3
SP Supremacy #ed to 2,500-53,61,63,65
SP Performance overdrive #ed to 250- 71
Stealth octane- 8,18,20,22,23
Trackside panorama-2,3,5,6,8,9,10,13,16,17,18,20,22,23,
Trackside diecuts-3,5,12,17,22,25,44
Trackside generation now- 4
Upper deck thunder road- 1
VIP makin the show- 2,3,9,10,11,16,22,24
VIP xplosives- 13,37,38,40,42,46,47,50
Coca cola racing family Kyle Petty card
High gear gearshifters- 10,15,16,21,22,23,24,26
High gear 1st gears- 14,15,19,20,21,22,23,25,33,34,
Optima golds- 7,16,21,22,29,30,32,34,35,39
Optima g-force-3,6,15,16,18,19,21,22,24,27
Press pass vintage- 14,17,19,20,21,23,24,25,26,27
Press pass premium gold reflectors- 1,7,9,12,16,17,19
Stealth golds- 48,49
Stealth lap leaders- 5,31,32
Stealth lap leader acetate- 14 nemechek
Trackside diecuts- 4,7,8,10,12,16,18,19,20,25,27,30,32
VIP xplosives- 13,19,44,47
VIP makin the show- 7,13,16,17,18,19,20,21,22
Albertson's/Nabisco Miachel Waltrip promo
High gear high groove- 4,5,8,16,17,19,20,22,23,24,27
High gear 1st gears- 1,4,5,8,16,17,20,23,24,34,35,36
Press pass Happy Holidays- 2,3
Press pass platinum- 2,3,4,8,28,30,31,36
Press pass Vintage- 1,2,3,5,6,8,10,12,13,14,15,16
Eclipse solar eclipse-14,19,20,21,22,25,27,28,43,46,49
Eclipse racing champions-1,6,30,33,36
Press Pass Premium Reflectors- 1,2,5,6,9,10,13,14,21,22,23
PP Premium champions and challengers diecuts- 58,59,62,67,69
Press Pass platinums-4,28,30,36,39,40,4`,44,49,50,51,82,85,86
Press pass snapshots- have all