Trade Inserts

If your favorite driver isn't listed, email me your wants, I probably have many of them. I have inserts of ALL DRIVERS, I just do not have them all posted as of yet. I try to update the page with every trade and list all new cards when they become available. Every card is up for trade for my wants (earnhardt and harvick) or is available for sale.

Inserts Listed By Driver - List Last Updated: February 21, 2003


Casey Atwood

99 vip xplosive 28
00 mvp nascar stars 10
00 mvp silver scripts 40 & 79
00 optima platinum 28
00 trackside generation now 3
panorama 21
diecut 39
00 ud victory circle income statement 10
01 high gear 1st gear 44
01 trackside diecut 31
01 pp premium reflector- 45
02 Stealth lap leader- 2
02 Optima gold- G1
02 Optima fan favorite- FF1
03 PP snapshotsss2
03 PP platinum- P2
(back to top)

Jeff Burton

94 Optima XL red hot- 3,55
95 5-Sport base-172
95 Optima XL Red Hot- 3,55
96 Autographed front runners- car & Jack, Jeff & ted, jeff & mark,
jeff & jack, jeff & ward, jeff & mark w/o hat
96 pp scorchers #5
96 Upper Deck 500 cards-71,72
97 Jurrasic Park Thunder Lizard- TL6
97 Ultra Winn Dixie- WD10
99 pp premium burning desire 4b
99 pp vip lap leader #9
99 vip explosive #x4
99 vip explosive #x40
00 maxx drive time #dt4
00 maxx focus on a champion #fc4
00 ud mvp cup quest #cq6
00 mvp silver script #64
00 mvp nascar stars #ns4
00 pp techno retro #tr3
00 high gear man #m7a
00 ud racing record pace #rp1
00 ud high groove #hg1
00 ud vc victory circle #v4
00 pp vip making the show #ms6
00 vip explosive #x21
00 vip explosive #30
00 vip explosive #x6
00 vip lap leader #ll
00 pp optima parrallel #40
00 ud sp drivers seat #5
2000 Pocona Raceways nascar cash ticket scratched
01 high gear 1st gear #60 & 67
01 HG gearshifters #4
01 HG sunday sensations #9
01 HG top tier #3
01 optima cool persistence #1
01 press pass vintage #3
01 PP velocity #7
01 pp premium reflector -2
01 pp premium in the zone #1
01 pp premium diecut-57
01 stealth gold #43
01 stealth lap leader #18
01 vip xplosive #34
01 vip makin the show #24
02 press pass velocity vl1
02 press pass platinum- p67
02 press pass vintage- 3
02 high gear high groove- 2
02 high gear 1st gear- 2
02 eclipse racing champions-12 & 32
02 Press Pass Cup chase redemption- cc1
02 PP Premium Premium Choice-70
02 PP Premium Reflector- R3
02 Trackside liscense to drive diecut-4
02 Trackside liscense to drive- 4
02 Trackside dialed in- 1
02 VIP Xplosive- X35
02 VIP makin the show- MS23
02 Stealth lap leader- 3
02 Optima gold- G3
02 Optima fan favorite- FF2
02 Optima cool persistence- CP1
03 PP snapshots- SS3
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Ward Burton

95 Finish line coca cola 600- 26, 43
96 maxx blue ribbon 9
96 Pinnacle foil magazine rack set- 22,49
96 Upper deck UD 500 coll choice- UD44, UD45
97 Action packed 1st impressions- 14
97 Pinnacle trophy collection- 22
99 vip xplosive 5
00 maxx drive time 3
00 mvp cup quest 4
00 pp premium foil 12
00 trackside panorama 11
00 stealth fusion 31,32,33
profile 2
00 optima overdrive diecut 11
00 vip xplosive 22
makin the show 23
01 high gear gearshifter 9
1st gears 9,46
01 optima gold 3,25
g force 2
lap leader d/c 27
01 pp premium diecut- 58
01 pp premium reflector- 4
01 press pass vintage 10
01 stealth gold- 25
01 vip makin the show 11
02 Press Pass platinum- 5
pp vintage- 4
press pass showcar- 1B
02 High Gear high groove- 3
02 eclipse solar eclipse-S13
02 eclipse racing champions-25
02 PP Premium Challenger- 57
02 PP Cup Chase Redemption - cc2
02 Trackside Liscense to drive diecut & regular- 5
VIP Xplosive- X10, 42, 43
VIP diecut headgear- HG5
VIP makin the show- MS12
02 Stealth lap leader- 4
02 Stealth parrallel foils- 26 & 27
02 Optima gold- G4
Optima fan favorite- FF3
03 Press Pass snapshots- ss4
Platinums- 6,97
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Bill Elliott

89 Maxx- 50,155,163
92 Maxx the winston- 5, 25
95 wheels crown jewels ruby edition #15
95 wheels crown jewels ruby edition #65
96 Action packed McDonald's-1,11,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28
96 Pinnacle magazine rack set-27
96 maxx blue ribbon #br3
96 Upper deck 500 cards- 25,26
96 Upper deck predictor redemption- PR7
97 Action packed 1st impressions- 11,32,58,64
97 Pinnacle trophy collection-63
98 maxx maxximum preview #19
00 Upper deck income statement- IS3
00 maxximum cruise control #cc4 (2)
02 Coca cola poker playing cards #9 all 4 suits
(back to top)

Jeff Gordon

94 hi tech holofoil-BY1
94 high gear day 1- 78
94 maxx rookie of the year- 16
95 optima xl red hot- 56
95 Action packed McDonalds- 3
95 speedstreet 600 festival- 4
96 Pinnacle foil magazine set- 24,51,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,85,92,95
96 ud diary of a champion- 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10
96 ud game face- gf1
97 Pinnacle trophy collection- 24
97 racers choice chevy maddness- 7
97 race sharks hammerhead promo-p1
97 predator grizzly- 1
97 pinnacle pepsi set- 1,2
97 Ultra Winn Dixie-WD4
98 collectors choice decals- JG & car
98 high gear man- 1a
98 high gear 1st gear-1
98 high gear pure gold-3
98 high gear high groove-5
98 maxx card of the year- 5 & 10
98 maxximum 1st class-F1
98 maxximum preview-P24
98 upper deck 50th anniversery-AN43
98 press pass retro 101
98 maxx champions past- CP1
98 VIP xplosives- 8, 40
99 high gear 1st gear- 49
99 press pass retro-101
99 press pass pit stop-12
99 ud vc day in the life-1,3,5
99 ud speedzone-SZ3
99 vip xplosive 42
99 wheels circuit breaker-5
99 wheels runn & gunnin 9, 29
99 upper deck track masters- TM1
99 UD Victory circle income statement- IS1
00 maxx drive time 2
00 mvp silver script 65
nascar stars 2
mvp cup quest-9
00 press pass retro-8
00 pp premium foil- 47
00 ud racing record pace 5
speeding ticket 1
00 optima g force 7
00 vip xplosive 26,29,32,34,49
lap leader 1
makin the show -7
01 optima gold -42
on the edge- 2
g force -5
01 pp vintage- 8
01 pp premium gold reflector- 6,36
01 trackside diecut -2,48
runnin & gunnin -6
01 vip xplosives-12,33,50
makin the show -12
vip headgear- 1
2002 High gear 1st gears- 7,47,61,62,65
high gear high groove- 7
high gear hot streaks- 3
02 press pass vintage- 7
02 eclipse solar eclipse-31,32,35,36
02 eclipse racing champions-3,22
02 PP Cup Chase Redemption Champion card- CC18
02 PP Premium Reflectors-R8, R46
02 PP Premium Champion- 51
Trackside liscense to drive d/c & regular- 9
VIP headgear- HG1
VIP mile master- MM1
VIP makin the show- MS13
VIP xplosives- X11, 28,49,50
02 Stealth lap leader- 7
Stealth foils- P30
02 Optima gold- G8
Optima up close- UC2
03 Press pass snapshots- ss7
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Kevin Harvick

00 Optima gold-32
01 optima gold- 31
01 optima g force 7
01 optima up close- 3
01 press pass premium reflectors- 43, 49
01 stealth lap leader- 30
01 stealth golds- 50, 68
01 stealth profile 2
01 trackside d/c 5,53
01 vip makin the show 15
01 vip xplosives- 10,22
01 vip headgear- 3
01 CHP supershots- SP5
02 high gear 1st gears- 29,48,66
02 high gear high groove- 9
02 high gear hot streaks- 4
02 high gear man-mm3a
02 press pass vintage- 9
02 press pass velocity 4
02 press pass parrallel- p85
02 PP Premium Challenger- 61
02 Eclipse warp speed-WS6
02 Eclipse supernova-SN3
02 Eclipse Racing champions- RC4, RC18
02 Eclipse Solar-S9
Press Pass Cup Chase Redemption- cc5
Trackside liscense to drive regular-13
Trackside runnin & gunnin- 3
02 Stealth lap leader- 11
Stealth foils- P31, P32, P33, P53
02 Optima gold- G12 & 48
Optima fan favorite- FF9
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Dale Jarrett

94 Optima xl red hot- 9
95 5-Sport base-175
95 Finish line coca cola 600- 13,36
95 speedstreet 600 festival- 3
95 Optima xl red hot- 9
96 Autographed front runners- DJ w/hat & Ernie, DJ & Yates, DJ & Ned
DJ w/o hat & Ernie, DJ & Ernie's cars
96 Knightquest Red Knight Preview #ed 1,996-15,32,39
96 Pinnacle foil magazine set- 13
96 Speedstreet 600 festival foils- 3,23
96 Upper deck 500 cards-75
97 Action packed 1st impressions-13,34,54,63,72,78
97 Pinnacle trophy collection-64
98 PP actionvision #11
98 Maxx maximum preview #11
99 PP prem #30
99 PP Premium burning desire 5b
99 PP Stealth octane reg #35
99 pp stealth fusion #f52
99 pp stealth headlines #sh8 (3)
99 PP VIP out of the box #ob8
99 upper deck speed zone- 8
99 ud income statement- IS8
99 vip rear view mirror d/c #rm2
99 vip explosive #x12 (2)
99 vip explosive #x43
99 Wheels runnin & gunnin #rg5
00 Maxximum dialed in #di1
00 Maxx focus on a champion #fc1
00 maxx drive time #dt5
00 UD MVP nascar stars #ns5 (3)
00 pp techno retro #tr11
00 PP Premium diecut #46 (2)
00 pp premium reflector #25
00 PP Trackside runn& gunnin #rg 8 (2)
00 UD Racing record pace #rp7 (2)
00 UD VC victory circle #6
00 PP VIP under the lights #ul2
00 vip xplosive 8
00 vip makin the show-5
01 CHP supershots card- SP6
01 high gear 1st gear #31
01 HG sunday sensations #1
01 optima gold 44
optima g force 8
01 press pass velocity- 3
01 pp premium gold reflector- 8,44
01 stealth gold 41,42,69
stealth fusion 3
stealth lap leader 17,35
01 trackside diecut 21 & 49
dialed in 11
01 vip makin the show 23
02 press pass parrallel-p15,p87
02 PP Cup chase redeemed card- cc6
02 pp vintage- 10
02 High gear 1st gears- 49
02 high gear high groove- 10
02 high gear man/machine- MM4A
02 eclipse racing champions-RC19
02 PP Premium Reflectors- R12, R40
02 PP Premium premium choice- 74
Trackside dialed in-5
Trackside runnin & gunnin- 6
Trackside liscense to drive- 14
VIP Xplosive-X46
VIP makin the show- MS22
VIp mile master trans- MM5
02 Stealth lap leader- 12
Stealth foils- P41, P42, P54
02 Optima gold- g13
Optima fan favorite- ff10
02 Coca cola poker playing cards #7 all 4 suits
03 PP snapshots- ss10
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Matt Kenseth

99 wheels runnin & gunnin #rg23
99 pp vip explosive #x33
00 maxx speedway boogie #sb2
00 maxx drive time #dt9
00 maxximum cruise control #cc6 (2)
00 ud racing record pace #rp8
00 ud racing high groove #3
00 pp trackside make the show #ms13
00 optima parallel #10
00 optima parallel #46
00 optima g-force
01 high gear 1st gears #11,29,55 & 59
01 HG hot streaks #7
01 HG gearshifters #12
01 optima gold 10
g force 9
01 PP vintage #13
01 PP millennium #59
01 pp premium reflectors- 10 & regular diecut 61
01 pp premium in the zone 7
01 trackside diecuts 22,45
01 vip makin the show 8
02 high gear high groove- 11
02 high gear 1st gear- 11
02 press pass vintage- 11
02 eclipse solar eclipse-S37
02 PP Premium Reflectors- R15, R41
02 PP Premium Challenger- 63
02 Premium In the Zone-IZ7
Press pass cup chase redeemed- cc7 VIP xplosive- X7, 20, 24
VIP making the show- MS8
02 Stealth lap leader- 14
Stealth foils- P17
02 Optima gold-G15
Optima fan favorite- FF12
Optima Q&A- qa4
03 Press pass platinum-p17
snapshots- ss12
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Bobby Labonte

95 5 sport base-166
95 5 sport red signature #ed to 1995- S82
95 5 sport diecut- 166
95 crown jewels ruby edit. #42
95 crown jewels ruby edit #37(makar)
95 Finish line coca cola 600- 12
95 speedstreet 600 festival-17
96 Action packed McDonald's- 6,16
96 Autographed front runners- BL & Gibbs 2 different, BL & Makar 2 diff
96 Pinnacle foil magazine set- 18,47,78,79,80,81,90
97 Pinnacle trophy collection-18,47,64,77
97 Ultra Winn Dixie- WD6
98 maxximum preview #18
99 pp stealth fusion #f18(2)
fusion #f17
fusion #h16
octane reg #o12
big numbers reg #bn11
99 pp vip explosive #x13 (3)
explosive #x44
99 wheels high groove #hg1
runnin & gunnin #rg8
00 Maxximum cruise control #cc2
pure adrenaline- 3
dialed in #d4
00 maxx drive time #dt7 (4)
00 ud mvp cup quest #cq8
nascar stars #ns7 (2)
00 pp retro techno #12
00 pp trackside dialed in d/c #di2
diecut base #33
00 ud racing record pace #rp2 (4)
00 pp vip making the show #ms1
explosive #x1 (2)
lap leader #ll3
00 pp optima g-force #11
00 ud sp- drivers seat #2
01 Coca cola racing family card
01 CHP supershots- SP2
01 High gear 1st gears- 1,48,57,62
gear shifters #1 & 27
01 pp vintage #1
01 pp premium gold reflectors- 11,34
01 optima gold 50
optima g force 10
01 stealth lap leader 7,25
01 trackside diecuts 13
trackside run & gun 9
01 vip makin the show 9
02 press pass velocity 6
02 press pass vintage- 12
02 high gear high groove- 12
high gear man/machine- MM5A
02 eclipse solar eclipse-S42
eclipse racing champions-RC34
02 PP Premium Reflector- R16
Press pass cup chase redeemption- cc8
Trackside runnin & gunnin-4
Trackside liscense to drive- 16
VIP makin the show- MS9
VIP xplosives- X8, 25
02 Stealth lap leader- 15
Stealth foils- P19, P20, P62
Stealth behind the #s- 8
02 Optima fan favorite- FF13
Optima q&a- qa5
03 press pass snapshots- ss13
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Terry Labonte

89 Maxx- 11,147
94 Finish line gold promo
94 Optima xl red hot- 10,39
95 ac racing postcard
95 finish line coca cola 600- 24,40
95 high gear #8 day 1
95 high gear #77 day 1
95 Optima xl red hot- 10,39
95 traks #61 1st run
95 traks #41 1st run
96 Action Packed McDonalds- 7,17
96 Knightquest Red Knight Preview #ed 1,996-6,28
96 Pinnacle foil magazine set- 5,40
96 Pinnacle precision silver metal card #57
96 Upper deck 500 game- 8
96 ud predictor 5
96 ud collectors choice triple force #1 of 3-d
96 ud game face #gf5
96 upper deck predictor redemption- PR5
96 fleer ultra winner #14
96 fleer ultra inside out #dc3
97 action packed 1st impressions-5,47,53,83
97 jurassic park raptors #r1
97 Pinnacle trophy collection-5,34,59,76,93
97 pp prem mirror #1
97 pp prem mirror #30
97 pp prem lap leader #ll7
97 pp vip explosive #14
97 pp actionvision #1
99 pp prem #45
99 pp stealth octane reg #11
99 pp stealth headlines #sh9
99 pp vip explosive #x14, x45
00 high gear winning edge-8
00 maxximim dialed in #d5
00 ud mvp nascar stars #ns8 (2)
00 pp techno retro #tr13
00 pp premium diecut #48
00 pp vip head gear #hg5 reg(holo)
00 optima parallel #12
00 vip xplosive 9
01 optima gold 12
g force 11
cool persistence 8
01 pp premium reflector-31
01 stealth fusion 5
lap leader acetate 3
lap leader d/c 21
01 trackside d/c 6,41
01 vip xplosive 9
makin the show 3
02 High gear high groove- 13
02 press pass vintage- 13
Press pass cup chase redeemption- CC9
02 eclipse supernova- SN10
02 PP Premium Reflector-R17 and Champion reflector- R54
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c-19
VIP headgear- HG8
VIP makin the show- MS4
VIp xplosive- X3, 37
02 Stealth lap leader- 16
Stealth foils- P67
Stealth EFX- 12
02 Optima fan favorite-FF14
Optima cool persistence- cp8
03 PP snapshots- ss14
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Sterlin Marlin

89 Maxx- 94
90 maxx glossys-94,176
94 maxx rookie of the year-5
94 Optima xl red hots- 11,37
95 AC racing postcard
95 5 sport base-169
95 finish line coca cola 600- 6,8,34
95 speedstreet 600 festival- 6
95 optima xl red hot- 11,37
95 high gear ruby-9
96 action packed mcdonalds-4,14
96 assets base-21
96 assets 2.00 phone card-12
96 Autographed front runners- SM w/hat & Glover, SM w/o hat & Glover
SM w/hat & SM w/o hat, SM w/o hat & car, SM w/hat & car, SM w/hat & Pittman
SM w/o hat & Pittman, Glover & car
96 Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1,996-3,33,37
96 Pinnacle foil magazine set- 4,39,74,75,76,77,87,93
96 Speedstreet 600 festival foils- 6
96 Upper deck predictor redemption-PR2
96 Upper deck 500 game card- 6
96 maxx blue ribbon- BR13
97 action packed 1st impressions-4,46,76
97 Frontier 7-11 phone card- 2
97 Pinnacle trophy collection-4,33,71,78
98 maxximum preview-P3
98 maxximum first class- F20
99 stealth big numbers- 13
99 vip xplosive-x15
00 optima g force- GF15
00 press pass retro- 15
00 trackside panorame- 19
00 vip makin the show- 18
00 vip xplosive-16
01 high gear 1st gear-47
01 optima g force- 12
01 optima gold-G13
01 press pass vintage- 18
01 pp premium reflectors- 13,41
01 stealth lap leader- 15,33
01 trackside diecuts- 37
trackside dialed in- 9
01 vip makin the show- 19
xplosives- 40
02 high gear high groove- 14
high gear 1st gear- 58
02 press pass retro- 14
02 eclipse racing champions-RC29
eclipse solar eclipse- S4
Press pass cup chase redemption- CC14
02 PP Premium Reflector- R18, R42, Challenger reflector- R64
02 PP Premium premium choice- 78
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c-20
VIp makin the show- MS18
VIP Xplosives- X14, 22, 38
02 Stealth EFX- 2
Stealth lap leader- 17
Stealth foils- P36
02 Optima gold- g18
Optima fan favorites- FF15
Optima cool persistnecs- cp9
03 PP snapshots- ss15
(back to top)

Mark Martin

88 maxx -48
89 Maxx- 6
94 optima xl red hot- 12,27
95 optima xl red hot- 12,27
95 Maxx get in the club card
95 speedstreet 600 festival- 5
96 action packed mcdonalds-5
96 assets base- 22
96 Assets racing 2.00 phone card 9
96 Autographed front runners- MM w/o hat & car, MM w/o hat & Burton
MM w/hat & car, MM w/hat & MM w/o hat, MM w/o hat & Hmiel, MM w/hat &Hmiel
96 classic silver 30
96 Collectors Choice UD 500- #11
98 pp retro- 102
98 maximum preview 6
98 upper deck speed zone- 2
98 upper deck 50th anniversery- AN46(Mark's car leading the pack)
99 wheels runnin & gunnin 1
2000 Pocono Raceways nascar cash lottery ticket scratched
00 high gear 1st gear- 30
00 maxx speedway boogie 7
00 maxx drive time 6
00 maximum dialed in 6
00 pp premium reflector #31
00 pp trackside diecut base #20
00 trackside diecut base #32
00 ud racing record pace #rp4
00 ud racing thunder road #tr3
00 pp vip making the show #ms12
00 pp vip explosive #x35
00 pp vip under the lights #ul7
00 vip lap leader explosive 7
00 optima parallel #44
00 optima encore #3
00 optima g-force #16
00 ud sp drivers seat #3
01 high gear 1st gear 8 & 49
01 HG gearshifters #8,49
01 HG hot streaks #4
01 optima gold 14,45
01 optima g force 13
01 optima up close 5
01 pp premium gold reflector- 14 and gold diecut 63
01 press pass velocity #6
01 stealth gold 12
01 stealth profile 1
01 trackside diecuts 23
01 trackside runnin & gunnin 4
02 high gear high groove- 15
high gear 1st gear- 15
02 press pass vintage- 15
press pass cup chase redemption- CC10
02 PP Premium Reflector- R43
Trackside liscense to drivereg & d/c-21
Trackside dialed in- 10
VIp makin the show- MS5
VIP Xplosives- X36, 40, 41
02 Stealth lap leader- 18
Stealth foils- P7, P58, P68
02 Optima fan favorite- ff16
Optima cool persistence- cp10
03 PP platinum- p21
snapshots- ss16
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Jeremy Mayfield

96 assets 2.00 phone card- 24
96 pinnacle magazine foil set-35
96 Speedstreet 600 festival foils- 15
97 action packed 1st impressions-7,28
97 Pinnacle trophy collection-13,42
98 upper deck 50th anniversery- 48
99 pp retro #106
99 ud sp drivers seat #ds2
99 pp vip explosive #17
99 pp vip explosive #47
00 ud mvp silver script #66
00 pp techno retro #tr17
00 pp trackside diecut #21
00 trackside panorama-7
00 pp vip lap leader #l2
00 pp vip lap leader explosive #12
00 pp vip explosive #x10
00 pp optima parrallel #17
00 pp optima g-force
01 high gear 1st gear #24
01 HG gearshifters #25
01 optima g force 14
01 press pass vintage #22
01 press pass premium reflectors= 15
01 trackside diecut-24
01 vip xplosive- 18 & 47
01 vip makin the show 6
02 press pass parrallel p23
Trackside liscense to drive-22
VIP makin the show- MS10
02 Stealth lap leader- 19
02 Optima gold- g20
Optima fan favorite- ff17
(back to top)

Steve Park

99 pp vip explosive #x19
99 upper deck speed zone- 11
00 pp techno retro #tr19
00 pp premium reflector #1
00 pp trackside panorama #p1
00 optima g-force
01 high gear gearshifters #19
01 high gear 1st gear #54
01 optima gold 17,46
01 pp premium reflectors- 18,28
01 pp vintage #11
01 stealth gold 2,3
lap leader acetate 1
lap leader d/c 1,19
01 trackside diecut 9,39
dialed in 1
01 vip xplosive 20
makin the show 1
02 press pass parrallels p27,p69
02 press pass showman 6a
02 press pass vintage- 18
02 high gear high groove- 18
02 high gear 1st gears- 18,59
02 Press Pass Nabisco/Albertsons promo
02 eclipse racing champions- RC2
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c-25
VIP makin the show- MS1
VIP xplosives- X1
02 Optima gold- g22
Optima fan favorite- ff19
02 Coca cola poker playing cards #6 all 4 suits
03 PP platinum- p24
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Ricky Rudd

89 Maxx-158
90 AC Racing- 5
94 optima xl red hot- 15,33,53
95 ac racing postcard
95 5-sport base-171
95 finish line coca cola 600- 21,39
95 speedstreet 600 festival- 7
95 optima xl red hot- 15,33,53
96 assets 2.00 phone card- 13
96 finish line black gold #d10
96 Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1,996-10
96 maxx blue ribbon #br10
96 pinnacle magazine foil set-10,43
96 scoreboard wc rewind- 29
96 Speedstreet 600 festival foils- 7
96 Upper deck 500 game card-18
97 action packed 1st impressions-10,31
97 Pinnacle trophy collection- 10,39,67
98 maxx maxximum preview #10
98 pp prem mirrors #44
98 pp stealth fusion #28
98 pp stealth fusion #29
99 pp vip explosive #x20
99 wheels runnin 7 gunnin #rg16
99 upper deck income statement- 11
00 high gear gearshifters 27
00 maxx drive time #dt10
00 pp premium reflector #38
00 pp trackside panorama #14
00 pp trackside diecut #24
00 pp vip making the show #ms15
00 pp vip explosive #x7
00 ud racing thunder road #tr4
00 pp optima g-force #20
00 VIP makin the show- 15
01 Coca cola racing family promo
01 high gear 1st gears #7 & 30
01 HG gearshifters #7
01 optima gold 20,47
optima g force 20
01 pp premium gold reflector- 20,37, dc 66
01 stealth gold 31,32
stealth lap leader d/c 11,29
01 trackside run & gun 1
01 vip xplosive 7,28
vip makin the show 14
02 press pass showcar 10b
press pass showman- S10A
press pass vintage- 19
02 high gear high groove- 21
high gear 1st gears- 31,51
high gear top tier- 4
02 eclipse racing champions- RC15
02 PP Premium Reflectors- R25, R45
02 PP Premium challenger- 67
press pass cup chase redemption- CC12
Trackside runnin & gunnin- 7
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c- 27
VIP makin the show- MS24
VIP mile masters- MM11
VIP xplosives- X39
02 Stealth lap leader- 22
02 Coca cola poker playing cards #4 all 4 cards
03 PP snapshots- SS19
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Mike Skinner

97 Pinnacle trophy collection-26,55,72
97 action packed 1st impressions-24,50
97 Jurrassic Park thunder lizard- TL9
97 Pinnacle trophy collection- 86
98 maxx maxximum preview #20
99 maxx racing images #17
99 maxx race ticket
99 pp retro #124
99 pp stealth fusion #f28
99 stealth octane reg #o19
99 wheels run & gun #rg7
00 ud mvp silver script #82
00 pp techno retro #tr23
00 pp trackside diecut base #9
00 trackside panorama-15
00 pp vip under the lights xplosive #ul8
00 vip lap leader 8
00 vip makin the show 14
00 ud sp drivers seat #10
00 pp premium reflector- 23
01 high gear 1st gear #10
01 HG gearshifters #11
01 press pass vintage #12
01 PP Premium gold reflectors- 23, 38
01 optima g force 23
01 optima cool persistence-11
01 optima g force- 23
01 stealth lap leader acetate 13
01 stealth lap leader-31
01 trackside diecut- 10
01 vip xplosives- 15, 36
01 vip makin the show 16
02 Press pass vintage- 22
02 press pass platinum- 32
02 PP Premium reflector- R28
press pass cup chase redemption- CC11
02 Trackside liscense to drive reg- 30
VIP makin the show- MS3
Stealth lap leader- 24
03 PP snapshots- ss23
(back to top)


Tony Stewart

99 wheels runnin & gunnin #rg18
99 PP Premium burning desire 6b
00 maxx drive time #dt1
00 pp techno retro #24
00 pp trackside diecut #14 (3)
00 ud racing thunder road #tr6
00 ud record pace #rp9 (2)
00 ud speeding ticket #4
00 ud high groove #4
00 press pass showcar 17
00 pp vip lap leader #ll2
00 pp vip explosive #x36
00 optima g-force
00 optima parrallel #24
00 vip xplosive 27,36
vip makin the show 21
01 CHP supershots- sp3
01 optima gold 48
optima g force 25
01 pp premium gold reflectors-25,35
01 pp premium diecut- 68
01 PP vintage #27
01 stealth gold 23,70
stealth profile 3
stealth lap leader d/c 8
01 trackside diecuts 15
runnin & gunnin 7
01 vip xplosive 48
makin the show 10
02 High gear 1st gears- 25,32,54
high gear high groove- 25
02 press pass top shelf ts8
press pass vintage-24
02 eclipse racing champions- RC24
02 PP Premium Reflectors- R30, R44, R48, R50
02 PP Premium challenger- 68
Press pass cup chase redemption- CC15
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c- 32
Trackside runnin & gunnin- 8
Trackside dialed in- 11
VIP makin the show- MS11
VIP xplosives- X9, 21,27,32
Stealth lap leader- 26
02 Optima gold- g28
Optima fan favorite- ff25
Optima q&a- qa9
03 Press pass platinum-p61,p96
(back to top)

Rusty Wallace

89 Maxx- 154,169,210
94 Optima xl red hot- 22,30,35,40,51,54
94 traks valvoline- 97
95 5 sport base-165
95 5-Sport Strive for 5 game card
95 optima xl red hot- 22,30,35,40,51,54
96 assets 2.00 phone card_15
96 Autographed front runners- Pemberton & car
96 pinnacle steel bronze #37
96 pinnacle magazine rack foil set-2,37,86,89,94
96 Upper deck 500 game cards- 2,3
97 action packed 1st impressions-2,44,69,73
97 Pinnacle trophy collection-2,31,62,73,92,96
98 maxx maxximum preview #2
99 wheels runnin & gunnin #2
99 pp stealth headlines #sh5
99 pp vip explosive #26
99 pp vip explosive #49
00 ud victory circle income statement #is8
00 ud racing thunder road #tr2
00 pp vip explosive #x44
00 pp vip making the show #ms17 (2)
00 pp trackside diecut base #19
00 pp trackside runnin & gunnin #rg3
00 pp premium diecut #50
00 maxx drive time #dt8
00 optima g-force #25
00 vip makin the show 17
00 vip lap leader 6
00 vip head gear 2
00 vip under the lights explosive 6
01 high gear 1st gears #6,32,52 & 58
01 optima gold 49
01 optima on the edge 9
01 optima g force 26
01 pp premium gold reflector- 26,29
01 stealth gold -23,70
01 stealth lap leader diecut 2,20
01 press pass vintage #7
01 trackside diecuts 29
runnin & gunnin 3
dialed in- 2
mirror image- 2
01 vip xplosive 30
makin the show 2
02 High gear 1st gears- 26,33
02 High gear man- MM9A
high gear high groove- 26
02 press pass parrallels p35
Press pass cup chase redemption- CC16
02 PP Velocity- VL9
press pass vintage- 25
02 PP Premium Champion- 55
PP Premium reflector- R32
Trackside dialed In- DI12
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c-34
VIP makin the show- MS2
VIP rear view mirror diecut- RV2
VIP xplosives- X2, 31, 44, 45
Stealth lap leader- 27
Stealth foils- P2, P72
02 Optima gold-g29
Optima fan favorite- ff26
03 PP platinum- p32
(back to top)

Michael Waltrip

95 finish line coca cola 600- 19
95 speedstreet 600 festival- 13
96 Assets racing 2.00 phone card- 18
96 Autographed front runners- MW w/hat & MW w/o hat, MW & DW
MW w/hat & car, MW w/hat & Woods Brothers
96 Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1,996-19
96 Maxx blue ribbon- BR5
96 Pinnacle magazine inserts-21,48
96 Speedstreet 600 festival foils- 13
97 Action Packed 1st Impressions- 15,36,59,71,74
97 Pinnacle trophy collection- 21,50,83
98 Maxximum Preview- P21
99 Maxx race ticket- RT29
99 Press pass retro- 115
99 Stealth octane0 O23
99 Vip xplosives- X27
99 Wheels runnin & gunnin- 10
00 Press Pass millennium- 51
00 Press Pass Retro- 27
00 Optima G-Force- 26
00 SP Performance #ed to 2,500- 53
00 Trackside diecut- 5
00 Vip makin the show- 22
01 Optima G force- 27
01 PP Premium gold reflectors- 27 & 33
01 Stealth lap leaders diecut- LL5
01 Trackside panorama- P5
01 Trackside diecuts- 11 & 44
01 VIP makin the show- 7
01 VIP Xplosives- X13, X19
02 Eclipse racing champions- 1
02 Eclipse solar- S20
02 High gear high groove- 27
02 Press Pass Nabisco Promo
02 Press pass cup chase prize- CC17
02 Press pass platinum- 36
02 PP Vintage- 26
02 PP Premium diecut- 69
02 PP Premium reflectors- 33, 47
02 Trackside liscense to drive reg & diecut- 35
02 Optima gold- g30
02 Coca cola poker playing cards #2 all 4
(back to top)

Jimmie Johnson

01 Optima gold- G32
High Gear 1st Gears- F38 & F70
PP Premium reflectors- R13, R34, R49
Press Pass Premium diecut- 62
Trackside liscense to drive- LD15
VIP makin the show- MS21
VIP xplosives- X16, 50
Optima Gold- G14
Optima cool persistence- CP6
Optima Q&A- QA3
Optima fan favorite- ff11
Optima up close- uc4
Press Pass Premium Beckett Sample- 34
Stealth lap leader- LL13
Stealth EFX- Fx11
Stealth Fusion- FU6
Stealth platinum- P39
Trackside liscense to drive diecut & reg-LD15
VIP making the show-MS21
VIP explosives- x16,x23,x50
VIP dialed in-DI6
Press pass platinums- 63,64,66,67,79,80
PP top shelf-TS4
PP velocity- vc4
PP showman/showcar- S6A,S6B
PP snapshots-ss11
(back to top)

Kurt Busch

Press Pass Premium reflector- 46
Optima G Force- GF3
Trackside diecut- 18
Eclipse Solars- S21, S49
High Gear high groove- HG4
High Gear 1st gear- F4
Press Pass Premium Reflectors- R5
Press Pass Premium Diecut- 58
Trackside liscense to drive- LD6
Stealth lap leader- 5
Optima gold- g5, g49
Optima fan favorite- ff4
Press pass platinum-p7,p75
PP snapshots-ss18
(back to top)

Ryan Newman

High Gear 1st Gear- 66
High Gear 1st Gear- F43
Eclipse Solars- S28 & S43
Press Pass Premium Reflectors- R23 & R35
Trackside Liscense to drive reg & diecut- LD24
VIP makin the show- MS7
VIP Xplosive- X6
Stealth lap leader- 20
Stealth foils- P72
Optima gold- g21,g46
Optima fan favorite- ff18
(back to top)

Jerry Nadeau

Maxximum Preview- P13
High Gear 1st gear- 23, 53
High Gear gearshifters- GS24
Optima G force- GF15
Optima Gold- 18
Press pass Vintage- VN19
Press Pass Premium reflector- 12
Trackside diecut- 7
Eclipse Solar- S14
High Gear 1st gear- F16
High Gear high groove- HG16
Press Pass Vintage- VN16
PP Premium reflector- R21
Trackside liscense to drive reg & diecut- LD23
(back to top)

Ricky Craven

1995 AC racing postcard
Autographed racing front runners- Ricky and Ricky
Maxx blue ribbon- BR4
Pinnacle magazine foils-32,56
Speedstreet 600 festival foils- 14
UD 500 card game- UD85
1997 Action Pkd 1st Impressions- 25 & 51
97 Pinnacle trophy collection- 25,54
High Gear 1st gear- 71
Trackside diecut- 19
Eclipse racing champions- RC30
High Gear high groove- HG5
High gear 1st gear- F5
Press Pass Vintage- VN5
PP Premium reflectors- R6
PP Premium diecut- 59
Trackside liscense to drive reg & diecut- LD7
Optima gold- g6
Optima fan favorite- ff5
Beckett 02 Optima sample-6
Press pass snapsjots- ss5
(back to top)

Kyle Petty

1993 AC Racing fold out
1995 AC racing postcard
95 speedstreet 600 festival- 11
Assets Racing 2.00 phone card- 19
Classic Silver 96- 13
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1,996-18,27
Pinnacle magazine foils-31,57
Speedstreet 600 festival foils- 11
1997 Pinnacle trophy collection- 1,30,79
UD Racing Thunder Road- TR1
Coca Cola Kyle Petty Card
Optima g force- GF18
PP Premium Reflectors- 19, 42
Trackside diecut- 38
VIP makin the show- MS20
Eclipse solar- S27
High Gear high groove- HG19
Press Pass Platinum- P28
PP Premium Reflectors- R24
Trackside liscense to drive- LD26
VIP makin the show- MS20
Stealth lap leader- 21
Optima gold- g23
Optima fan favorite- ff20
(back to top)

Ken Schrader

1990 AC racing- 4
1991 AC Racing -6
1993 AC Racing fold out
1994 Maxx rookie of the year-7
1995 AC Racing postcard
Assets racing 2.00 phone card- 7
Classic silver 96- 46
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1,996-13
Pinnacle foils-25
Traks review & preview 1st run- 42
Maxximum 1st Class- F8
UD Speedzone- SZ15
Stealth octane- O18
High Gear 1st gear- 15
High Gear gearshifter- GS16
Optima Gold- G22
Optima G Force- GF22
Press Pass Vintage-VN17
PP Premium reflector- 22 & 40
VIP makin the show- MS18
High Gear 1st gear- F23, F52
High Gear high groove- HG23
Press pass cup chase prize- CC13
Press Pass vintage- VN21
Press Pass Platinum- P31
PP Premium reflector- R27
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c- LD29
VIp makin the show- MS17
Stealth lap leader- 23
(back to top)

Joe Nemechek

1995 AC Racing postcard
1996 Pinnacle magazine foils-14,63
1999 Press Pass Retro-122
Optima G Force- GF18
Press Pass Retro- TR18
Trackside panorama- P17
VIP makin the show- MS9
Optima Gold- G16
Optima g force- GF16
Press Pass Vintage- VN14
PP Premium reflectors- 17 & 39
Stealth lap leader d/c-LL32
Trackside d/c- 8
VIP makin the show- MS17
Eclipse racing champions- RC33
Eclipse Solar- S22
High Gear high groove- HG17
High Gear 1st gear- F17
Press Pass Vintage- VN17
PP Premium Reflectors- R22
Stealth lap leaders acetate0- LL14
(back to top)

Jimmy Spencer

1996 Pinnacle magazine foils-23,50
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1,996-35,42
1997 Action packed 1st impressions- 12 & 33
97 Pinnacle trophy collection- 23,52
1998 maxximum 1st Class- F2
Maxximum Preview- P23
1999 VIP xplosive- X38
2000 Trackside panorama- P13
High Gear 1st gear-22
High gear gearshifter- GS23
Optima g force- GF24
Press pass vintage- VN20
VIP Makin the show- MS13
VIP Xplosive- X44
High Gear 1st gear-F24 & F53
High Gear high groove- HG24
Press Pass vintage- 23
Trackside liscense to drive- 32
Stealth lap leader- 25
(back to top)

Bobby Hamilton

1994 Maxx rookie of the year- 12
Autographed Racing front runners- Bobby & Richard
Pinnacle magazine foils-29,58
UD 500 card game- UD27 & UD28
1997 Act Pkd 1st Impressions- 1,49,86
Pinnacle trophy collection- 20,49,81
1998 Maxximum Preview- P4
1999 Maxx Race Ticket- RT11
Stealth Octane- O8
2000 Optima G Force- GF8
Trackside diecut-3
Trackside panorama- P3
High Gear 1st Gear- 20 & 65
High gear gearshifter- GS21
Optima Gold- G7
Optima g force- GF6
Press Pass vintage- VN27
PP Premium gold reflector- 7
Trackside diecut- 4
VIP makin the show- MS21
High Gear 1st gear- F8
High gear high groove- HG8
Press Pass Vintage- VN8
PP Premium reflector- R10
Trackside liscense to drive reg & diecut- LD12
Stealth lap leader- 10
(back to top)

John Andretti

Assets racing 2.00 phone card- 16/25
Maxx blue ribbon- BR8
Pinnacle magazine foils-34,55
Speedstreet 600 festival foils-8
UD 500 game- UD 77 & UD78
1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 19 &40
1998 Maxximum 1st class- F3
1999 UD Speedzone- SZ13
2000 Maxximum cruise control- CC3
Trackside diecut- 17
Trackside panorama- P2
High gear 1sy=t gear- 21
High gear gearshifters- GS22
Optima Gold- 1
Press pass vintage- VN21
Press pass premium reflector-1
Trackside diecut- 30
Press pass premium reflector- R1
Trackside liscense to drive reg & diecut- LD1
VIP makin the show- MS19
VIP Xplosive- X15
Stealth lap leader- 1
Coca cola poker playing cards #10 all 4 suits
(back to top)

Elliott Sadler

1999 Stealth octane- O22
High gear gearshifter- GS24
Optima g force- GF21
Trackside panorama-P10
Trackside generation now- GN4
VIP makin the show- MS3
High gear 1st gear- 50 & 64
High gear gearshifter- GS10
Optima gold- G21
Optima gforce- GF21
Press pass vintage- VN26
PP Premium reflectors- 21
Trackside diecut- 27
Eclipse racing champions- RC6
High gear high groove- HG22
Press pass vintage- VN20
Press pass platinum- P30 & P68
PP Premium reflector- R26
Trackside liscense to drive reg & diecut- LD28
(back to top)

Darrell Waltrip

1990 AC Racing- 2
1991 AC Racing- 3
1993 AC Racing foldout
1995 AC Racing postcard
Assets racing 2.00 phone card- 11/25
Autographed racing front runners- DW w/helmet & Michael, DW w/o helmet & Mikey,DW w/helmet & DW w/o helmet
Classic Silver 96- 24
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1,996-17
Maxx blue ribbon- BR11
Pinnacle magazine foils-17,46
UD 500 game- UD 34 & UD35
1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 17,38,85
Pinnacle trophy collection-17,46,94
Maxx Card of the Year- CY4
Maxximum Preview- P1
Maxximum 1st Class- F19
Maxximum cruise control- CC10
Optima parrallel- 26
SP high velocity- HV3
Trackside diecut- 25
Trackside panorama- P24
VIP xplosives- X38 & X47
2002 Press pass vintage- VN34
(back to top)

Robert Pressley

1996 Autographed racing front runners- RP & Charlie Pressley
Pinnacle magazine foils-33,54
1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 20 & 41
1997 Autographed Racing Mayne Street- KM29
1999 High Gear 1st gear-23
High Gear gear shifters- GS26
2000 Trackside panorama- P18
2001 High gear 1st gear- 14
High gear gearshifter- GS15
Optima G Force- GF19
PP Premium reflector- 16
Trackside diecut- 25
2002 High Gear 1st gear-F20
High gear high groove- HG20
(back to top)

Geoffery Bodine

1993 Quik Chek Card Dynamics metal card- 6
1994 Maxx rookie of the year-4
1995 Classic 5 Sport red signature #ed to 1,995- S90
Autographed front runner- Geoff & Paul andrews, GB & TB, GB & BB, 1996 Assets racing 2.00 phone card- 4
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1996-16
Pinnacle magazine foils-7,42
Speedstreet 600 festival foils-16
Upper deck 500- UD13
1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 22 & 48
Pinnacle trophy collection- 7,36
1998 MaxximumPreview- 7
1999 Wheels runnin & gunnin- RG20
2000 Trackside panorama- P23
(back to top)

Kenny Wallace

1993 C Racing foldout
1994 Maxx rookie of the year-14
1995 Autographed front runners- Kenny & Mike
1996 Action Packed McDonalds- 9 & 19
Pinnacle magazine foils-19,62
1999 High gear 1st gear-59
2000 High Gear 1st gear-56
High gear gearshifter- GS22
MVP silver script- 16
Optima G Force- GF24
Press Pass Vintage- VN24
Trackside panorama- P22
VIP makin the show- MS16
2002 High Gear 1st gear- 19
(back to top)

Chad Little

1996 Maxx blue ribbon- BR14
UD 500 - UD87
1997 Action Pkd 1st impressions- 21 & 42
1999 Vip xplosive- X3
2000 MVP silver script- 15
Optima g force- GF14
Optima gold- 14
Press Pass retro- TR14
Trackside panorama- P27
VIP xplosive- X13
VIP makin the show- MS2
2001 Optima gold- G35
Trackside diecut- 56
2002 High Gear 1st gear- F41
Press Pass Platinum- P47
Stealth foils- P49
(back to top)

Ernie Irvan

1991 AC Racing- 4
1993 AC Racing foldout- 1995 Autographed front runners- EI & car, EI & EI,
EI side & LM, EI on car & LM, EI side & RY, EI front & RY
Classic 5 Sport diecut- 174
1996 Action Packed McDonalds- 8 & 18
Assets racing 2.00 phone card- 6, 17 & 25
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1996- 12
Pinnacle magazine foils-28,52,88
Speedstreet 600 festival foils- 10,18,21,gold insert 21
1997 Action Pkd 1st impressions- 9, 30, 77, 80
1999 Maxx race ticket- RT7
(back to top)

Johnny Benson

1996 Fleer Ultra Winn Dixie- WD7
Pinnacle magazine foils-30,53
1997 Action pkd 1st impresions- 61,68,81
1999 VIP xplosive- X2
2000 MVP silver script- 14
Optima Gold-2
Optima gforce- GF1
Press pass retro- 2
Trackside panorama- P8
VIp makin the show- MS10
(back to top)

Kenny Irwin

1998 Maxximum Preview- P25
1999 Press Pass retro- 119
VIP xplosive- X11
2000 Trackside diecut-12 & 44
Trackside panorama- P20
VIP makin the show- MS11
(back to top)

Jeff Green

1996 Maxx blue ribbon- BR15
1997 Pinnacle trophy collection-29,58,85
1999 Stealth fusion- 41
2000 Optima gold- 34
2001 High gear 1st gear- 36
Stealth gold- G48
2002 High gear 1st gear- F34 & F69
PP Premium Reflector- R9
Trackside liscense to drive reg & diecut- LD11
Stealth lap leader- 9
(back to top)

Elton Sawyer

1995 Autographed racing front runner- Elton & Patti Moise
1996 UD 500 card game- UD81
1999 VIP xplosive- X37
2000 Optima gold- 39
2001 High gear 1st gear- 41
Optima gold- G39
Trackside diecut- 52
2002 High gear 1st gear- F45
(back to top)

Dick Trickle

1994 Maxx rookie of the year-11
1995 Classic silver 96- 4
1996 UD 500 game- UD84
1999 Vip xplosive- X39
(back to top)

Dave Blaney

1999 Stealth fusion- F38
2000 Trackside panorama- P26
2001 High Gear 1st gear- 25
High Gear gearshifters- GS26
PP Premium reflector- 24
Trackside diecut- 32
2002 Eclipse solar-S19
High gear 1st gear- F1
Press pass platinum- P2
PP Vintage- VN1
Trackside liscense to drive- LD2
(back to top)

Todd Bodine

1998 Maxximum Preview- P17
2001 High gear 1st gear- 35
Trackside diecut- 16
VIP makin the show- MS22
2002 Eclipse solar- S46
Press Pass Platinum- P4
(back to top)

Brett Bodine

1996 Autographed Racing front runner- Brett & Geoff, Brett & Todd
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1996-20
Pinnacle magazine foils-11
1997 Autographed racing Mayne Street- KM27
Pinnacle trophy collection-11,40
2000 Trackside panorama- P6
2002 Eclipse solar- S25
Press Pass Platinum- P3
PP Vintage- VN2
PP Premium Reflector- R2
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c- LD3
(back to top)

Randy Lajoie

1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 55, 57
1997 Autographed Mayne Street- KM16
1999 Vip xplosive- X34
2000 Optima gold- 38
2001 High gear 1st gear- 39
Optima gold- G34
Trackside diecut- 60
2002 Press Pass Platinum- P46
(back to top)

Wally Dallenbach

1996 Upper deck 500 card game- UD31
Pinnacle magazine foils-15
2000 Optima g force- GF4
Press Pass Millennium- 18
Trackside panorama- P25
VIP makin the show- MS24
(back to top)

Jason Keller

1999 VIP xplosive- X32
2000 MVP silver script- 41
2001 High gear 1st gear- 37
Trackside diecut- 59
2002 High gear 1st gear- F39
(back to top)

Kevin Lepage

1999 Wheels runnin & gunnin- RG24
2000 MVP silver script- 11
Optima g force- GF13
Trackside panorama- P9
2001 Press Pass Vintage- VN25
(back to top)

Hut Stricklin

1991 AC Racing- 9
1996 Viper busch clash- B3
Pinnacle magazine foils-8,65
1997 Action Pkd 1st impressions- 60
Autographed Mayne Street- KM25
2002 PP Premium reflector- R31
Trackside liscense to drive reg & diecut- LD33
(back to top)

David Green

1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 56,70,79
Pinnacle trophy collection- 9,38,87
1999 VIP xplosive- X9
2000 Optima gold- 30
2001 Optima g force- GF27
Optima gold- G29
Trackside diecut- 58
2002 High gear 1st gear- F35
(back to top)

Kevin Grubb

2000 SP Performance Overdrive #88/250- 71
2001 High gear 1st gear- 33
Optima gold- G30
Stealth foil- G49
2002 High Gear 1st gear- F36
Press Pass Platinum- P41
(back to top)

All Other Drivers

Derrick Cope
1996 Maxx blue ribbon- BR1
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1996-14
Pinnacle magazine foils-12,44
1997 Pinnacle trophy collection-12,41
1999 VIP xplosive- X6

Ted Musgrave
1995 Zenith helmets promo- 8
1996 Autographed front runner- Ted & Jeff Burton
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1996-4
1997 Fleer Ultra Winn Dixie- WD9

Ricard Petty
1996 Autographed front runner- Petty & Childress
1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 67
Ultra Winn Dixie- WD5
2002 Eclipse racing champions- RC36

Ron Hornaday
2001 Trackside diecut- 12
PP Premium reflector- 47

Jason Leffler
2000 SP Performance #879/2,500- 61
2001 PP Premium reflector- 50
Trackside diecut- 36

Buckshot Jones
2001 PP Premium reflector- 9
Trackside diecut- 35
2002 PP Premium reflector- R14
Trackside liscense to drive reg & d/c- LD16

Robby Gordon
1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 26,52,75
Autographed racing Mayne Street- KM9
Pinnacle trophy collection-14,43 2002 VIP makin the show- MS16
02 Stealth lap leader- 8
Stealth foils- P63

Lake Speed
1995 Press Pass Blue- 30
1996 Upper deck 500 game- UD16, UD17
Pinnacle magazine foils-9
1997 Autographed Mayne Street- KM7

Jason Jarrett
2000 SP Performance #884/2,500- 63
99 High Gear 1st gear- 42

Scott Pruett
2000 Maxximum cruise control- CC7
Trackside panorama- P16

Andy Houston
2001 PP Premium reflector- 48
Trackside diecut- 20

Hank Parker Jr
2001 High gear 1st gear- 34
2002 Press pass platinum- P51

Greg Biffle
2001 Trackside diecut- 57

Stacy Compton
2001 Trackside diecut- 34
2002 Press pass platinum- P8

Jeff Purvis
1996 Upper deck 500- UD60
2001 Trackside diecut- 62

Morgan Shepherd
1996 UD 500- UD 40 & UD 41
Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1996-8
Pinnacle magazine foils-26,60
1997 Action pkd 1st impressions- 23 & 43

Jamie McMurray
02 Stealth foils- P51

Jr Johnson- 96 Knightquest red knight preview #ed 1996- 34
(back to top)

Miscellaneous Inserts

Maxx- have over 100(send list)

AC Racing set-6
Maxx Glossy set- have most

AC Racing set-8
Motorsports modelcards set- all but earnhardt's
Winston motorsports champions set-all but Earnhardt's

Dick Trickle Country Star 12 card set
Robert Pressley Alliance racing 9 card set
Maxx gargoyles set- have most
Maxx the winston set- have most

AC Racing foldouts- Phil Parsons
Action packed Alan Kulwicki-AK-2
Card Dynamics Quik Chek Geoff Bodine #6

Maxx rookie of the year- 1,8,10,13

AC Racing postcard- Steve Grissom
5-Sport diecuts- Ernie 174, R Childress 164
5 Sport red signature #ed to 1,995- Geoff Bodine #S90
Classic coca cola 600 set- have all but Earnhardt's
Metallic Impressions Winston 92 champ Kulwicki
Pinnacle zenith Musgrave helmets promo

Action packed mcdonalds- 8,9,18,19
Assets 2.00 phone cards- 3,4,6,7,11,16,17,18,19,25
Autographed racing front runners- all but Earnhardt's
Classic Silver 96 inserts- 4,10,13,24,46
Maxx blue ribbon inserts-1,4,5,8,11,14,15
Pinnacle foil magazine set-1,20,36,59,61,82,83,84
Traks review & preview 1st run- 42
Press Pass blue #30
Upper Deck 500 cards-11,13,16,17,27,28,31,34,35,38,40,41,60
77,78,81, 84,85,87,90
Upper deck predictor longshot card
Viper Busch Clash- 3

Action Packed 1st Impressions- 62,65,66,82
Pinnacle trophy collection set- 15,44 Steve Grissom

Maxx card of the year- CY4
Maxx champions past-8,10
Maxximum 1st class- 2,3,8,19
Maxximum preview- 1,4,7,12,13,21,23,25
Press pass retro- 117,132,139,140,143,148,149

High gear 1st gears-23,42,59
High gear gearshifters-26
Maxx race ticket- 7,11,29
Press pass retro-115,119,122,134
Stealth fusion- 30,38,41,46
Upper deck speed zone-13,15
Vip xplosives-2,3,6,9,11,24,27,32,34,37,38,39
Wheels runnin & gunnin- 10,20,24,33

High gear gearshifters-22,24
Maxximum cruise control- 3,7,10
MVP silver script- 11,14,15,16,41
Optima golds- 1,2,14,18,26,30,34,38,39
Optima g-force-1,4,8,13,14,18,21,24,26,27
Press pass retro-2,14,18,27,28,30
Press pass millennium- 18,51
SP High Velocity- 3
SP Supremacy #ed to 2,500-53,61,63,65
SP Performance overdrive #ed to 250- 71
Stealth octane- 8,18,20,22,23
Trackside panorama-2,3,5,6,8,9,10,13,16,17,18,20,22,23,
Trackside diecuts-3,5,12,17,22,25,44
Trackside generation now- 4
Upper deck thunder road- 1
VIP makin the show- 2,3,9,10,11,16,22,24
VIP xplosives- 13,37,38,40,42,46,47,50

Coca cola racing family Kyle Petty card
High gear gearshifters- 10,15,16,21,22,23,24,26
High gear 1st gears- 14,15,19,20,21,22,23,25,33,34,
Optima golds- 7,16,21,22,29,30,32,34,35,39
Optima g-force-3,6,15,16,18,19,21,22,24,27
Press pass vintage- 14,17,19,20,21,23,24,25,26,27
Press pass premium gold reflectors- 1,7,9,12,16,17,19
Stealth golds- 48,49
Stealth lap leaders- 5,31,32
Stealth lap leader acetate- 14 nemechek
Trackside diecuts- 4,7,8,10,12,16,18,19,20,25,27,30,32
VIP xplosives- 13,19,44,47
VIP makin the show- 7,13,16,17,18,19,20,21,22

Albertson's/Nabisco Miachel Waltrip promo
High gear high groove- 4,5,8,16,17,19,20,22,23,24,27
High gear 1st gears- 1,4,5,8,16,17,20,23,24,34,35,36
Press pass Happy Holidays- 2,3
Press pass platinum- 2,3,4,8,28,30,31,36
Press pass Vintage- 1,2,3,5,6,8,10,12,13,14,15,16
Eclipse solar eclipse-14,19,20,21,22,25,27,28,43,46,49
Eclipse racing champions-1,6,30,33,36
Press Pass Premium Reflectors- 1,2,5,6,9,10,13,14,21,22,23
PP Premium champions and challengers diecuts- 58,59,62,67,69

Press Pass platinums-4,28,30,36,39,40,4`,44,49,50,51,82,85,86
Press pass snapshots- have all